How To Make Orange Peel Potpourri
Things Needed
- 4 oranges
- Vegetable peeler
- Paper towels
- Microwave-safe plate
- Cooling rack
- 3 cups dried flowers
- 3 cups dried seedpods
- 3 cups small pine cones
- Large plastic container
- 1 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
- 1 tbsp. ground clove
- 1 cup crushed cinnamon sticks
- 5 drops orange essential oil
- Spoon
Substitute another essential oil, such as cinnamon or vanilla, for the orange oil. Make this a family activity by having children help collect nature items for the potpourri. Place baskets or bowls filled with your homemade potpourri in different rooms to add fragrance to your home.
Orange peel has a fresh, clean scent that adds a pleasant aroma to your home. This citrus peel is often used to add to the appearance and fragrance of store-bought potpourri. While you can purchase ready-made orange peel potpourri, it's simple to mix up your own batch of homemade potpourri to use at home or give as a gift. Making your own potpourri allows you to tailor the fragrant decor to your own needs and preferences.
Step 1
Remove the peel from four oranges using a vegetable peeler. If possible, peel the skin off in 1/2-inch wide strips.
Step 2
Place a couple paper towels over a microwave-safe plate. Lay the orange peels on the paper towel in a single layer. Cover the peelings with a few more paper towels.
Step 3
Put the towel-covered plate in the microwave then run the microwave for five minutes on 50 percent power. Remove the plate from the microwave and place the orange peels on a wire cooling rack. Let the peels finish drying for two to three days.
Step 4
Place 3 cups each dried flowers, seedpods and small pine cones in a large plastic container. Pour in the dried orange peels, 1½ tsp. ground nutmeg, 1 tbsp. ground cloves, 1 cup crushed cinnamon sticks and 5 drops of orange essential oil.
Step 5
Stir all the ingredients together with a spoon. Mix them for several minutes so the spices and essential oil are distributed throughout the potpourri. Keep your potpourri mixture sealed in the container for two weeks, shaking the container once each day to move the spices and oil around.