How to Make Floral Arrangements Using Clear Gel

Water gel is reusable and will not stick to the inside of glass vases. This means you can change the arrangement over time by removing the gel and reheating and reusing it. You can also add pebbles to the bottom of the vase or even shells and other objects.
You may need to use an oven mitt to handle the measuring cup when you remove it from the microwave.
Silk flowers have been a mainstay for decorating for a very long time. These carefully crafted flowers are often so authentic looking that you have to touch them to realize that they are not real. One of the newest ways to display silk flowers is to position the flower in a transparent vase and then partially fill the vase with a suspension fluid that creates the illusion of water. This adds another dimension of realism to the arrangement, making this technique quite popular.

Select a transparent vase that suits the size and type of silk flowers that you will be arranging. Use a tall vase for larger flowers with long stems and a smaller vase for smaller flowers. Use wire cutters to trim the stems as necessary.
- Silk flowers have been a mainstay for decorating for a very long time.
- One of the newest ways to display silk flowers is to position the flower in a transparent vase and then partially fill the vase with a suspension fluid that creates the illusion of water.

Arrange the silk flowers in the clean vase. Keep your tallest flower in the center for arrangements that will be seen from all sides and at the back for one sided arrangements.

Pour the gel into a four-cup glass measuring cup and heat in your microwave until the gel is softened to a liquid. The time will vary depending on your product and your microwave. This usually takes only a couple minutes.

Press your arranged flowers slightly to the side so that you can pour the faux water (gel) into the vase without dribbling it on the sides of the vase. Fill the vase just enough that it looks realistically like water.
- Arrange the silk flowers in the clean vase.
- Press your arranged flowers slightly to the side so that you can pour the faux water (gel) into the vase without dribbling it on the sides of the vase.

Reposition your flowers into the position you prefer (do not remove them from the gel water). Allow the arrangement to cure for 24 hours.
Writer Bio
F.R.R. Mallory has been published since 1996, writing books, short stories, articles and essays. She has worked as an architect, restored cars, designed clothing, renovated homes and makes crafts. She is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley with bachelor's degrees in psychology and English. Her fiction short story "Black Ice" recently won a National Space Society contest.