Use Lime To Get Rid Of Ants

A colony of ants can wreck havoc on your home, lawn or garden. They march around as if they own the place, and they can ruin all your beautiful fruits, vegetables and flowers. If you've had enough of the little pests and just can't stand them anymore, it might be time to call an exterminator. But before you do, try a home remedy using lime and see if they stick around.

What Type Of Lime

Go to your local home improvement store and ask for a bag of lime. It will come in a bag similar to fertilizer and comes in many sizes. Depending on the size of your lawn, you may need a 20-lb bag or you may need a 50-lb bag. The lime is a fine powder that you can put right into your spreader and distribute throughout your lawn and garden.

How to Use It

Put the lime into a spreader and go over your entire lawn. The lime will not eat away at your grass. Go to your garden and sprinkle some of the lime as a barrier around your plants. One coating over your lawn will last for an entire year, so you can store what you didn't use and save it for later.

What It Does

The chemicals that make up the lime powder do not kill ants. But ants do hate lime and will do anything to stay away from it. By sprinkling a line in front of your garden, you're creating a barrier that they will not cross. And spreading it all over your lawn means the ants might as well move next door.
