How To Get Rid Of Ants Caused By Heavy Rain
Things Needed
- 1 cup 20 Mule Team Borax
- 3 cups sugar
- Scissors
- 6 to 8 empty, shallow plastic containers with lid
- Peanut butter
If you don't have children or pets, you can place the sugar syrup in shallow dishes without lids. The lidded plastic containers were developed as a safety precaution. The best way to prevent ants from entering your home is to shore up any holes they may use to enter. Generally, these are found in and around door frames, windows and piping. Use caulk to fill in these gaps to make it harder for ants to enter.
The Borax solution is poisonous and should be kept out of the reach of children and animals.
Heavy rain drives ants up from their flooded homes. If the rain has been heavy enough, the entire colony may search out a new place to live. The ants will look for an area that has been unaffected by the flooding, and one of the prime locations is close to a home. Getting rid of these pests can be done by making a simple toxic bait from Borax and sugar. The Borax is poisonous and almost immediately fatal to ants once it has been ingested.
Step 1
Mix 1 cup of 20 Mule Team Borax with 3 cups of sugar.
Step 2
Poke holes in the plastic containers, about 1 inch from the top, with the scissors. Make sure the holes are large enough for the ants to enter and exit easily.
Step 3
Fill the containers halfway with the Borax/sugar mix.
Step 4
Add enough water to make the sugar syrupy.
Step 5
Place peanut butter around the rim of the plastic container, and then put the lid on. The smell of the peanut butter will draw the ants to investigate and find the sugar mix.
Step 6
Place the bait containers around the house near areas you have seen ant activity. The ants will take the bait back to the colony to feed, and kill the queen and other worker ants.