Why Do Some Trees & Bushes Smell Like Cat Urine?
One of the problems homeowners face is how to protect their landscaping from marauding neighborhood animals looking for a restroom. However, this is not necessarily the reason that some trees and bushes produce an odor reminiscent of cat urine. Whatever the reason may be that your yard gives off an unpleasant smell, you can take certain steps to reduce or eliminate the odor.
Black pepper and/or pine cones are excellent deterrents to feline prowlers. Use vinegar to remove any lingering odor.
If you have recently placed mulch in your landscaping or garden, this could be the culprit. The moisture in the mulch can begin to rot, giving off an ammonia-like odor. Try raking it to promote drying.
- One of the problems homeowners face is how to protect their landscaping from marauding neighborhood animals looking for a restroom.
- Whatever the reason may be that your yard gives off an unpleasant smell, you can take certain steps to reduce or eliminate the odor.
Certain trees, such as white spruce and locust trees, are known to produce a cat urine type of odor.
Other Plants
Box elder, the herb Valerian, and certain types of viburnum and penstemon, are additional stinky vegetation culprits for which cats are erroneously blamed.
Advance planning
If you're thinking of adding a few plants to your landscaping, you may want to ask someone at the plant nursery what to expect before you invest in what may turn out to be an obnoxiously noxious plant.
Home Remedy For Cat Urine Smell
There are lots of things in the world that smell bad, but few of them seem to have the staying power of cat urine. Cat urea smells worse than that of other animals because it's extremely concentrated. Cats are native to the desert, so their bodies don't waste water. Catching cat urine when it is fresh is ideal. Lay the towel over the urine and push it into the puddle or wet spot. If you can get rid of the urine before it dries, no foul odors will remain. To use it, simply pour hydrogen peroxide on the stain and let it sit for at least five minutes. Note that hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent that could discolor some fabrics. Always test the solution in an inconspicuous spot before pouring it all over any fabric. The darker the material, the higher the risk of discoloration. Always make sure the area is completely dry, however, or your baking soda will turn into a clumpy mess that's hard to vacuum up. Enzyme cleaners aren't a home remedy, but they're still worth consideration. If you clean the area with more ammonia, you'll fail to eliminate the urine smell.
- Certain trees, such as white spruce and locust trees, are known to produce a cat urine type of odor.
- If you're thinking of adding a few plants to your landscaping, you may want to ask someone at the plant nursery what to expect before you invest in what may turn out to be an obnoxiously noxious plant.