How To Remove A Head From A Weed Eater

Things Needed

  • Adjustable wrench
  • Phillips screwdriver


When installing a new head on your Weed Eater, hand-tighten the threads only.

Poulan manufactures the Weed Eater line of trimmers. Although your Weed Eater is a durable yard tool, it may sometimes incur damage just like any other piece of yard equipment. The trimmer head will probably suffer the most damage because the head makes contact with the ground and other objects while the trimmer is in use. Replacement heads are available at home improvement centers and at Poulan dealers. Removing the head from your Weed Eater is a simple matter of unthreading the head from the end of the shaft.

Step 1

Place the Weed Eater trimmer on its side on a flat surface with the air filter cover pointing up.

Step 2

Hold the dust cup nut with an adjustable wrench to keep the shaft from moving while you remove the trimmer head. The dust cup nut is above the trimmer head on the end of the shaft. Some Weed Eater trimmers have a hole on the side of the dust cup that will align with a hole in the shaft. Rotate the dust cup to align the two holes and insert a Phillips screwdriver into the hole.

Step 3

Turn the trimmer head counterclockwise with one hand while holding the wrench on the dust cup nut with your other hand.
