How To Get Odor Out Of Synthetic Grass

Hose off synthetic grass regularly to keep odors at bay. When dealing with problem areas such as pet stains, treat the spots with a mild eco-friendly soap or a vinegar and water solution.

General Odor Prevention and Maintenance

Rinse the synthetic lawn off every week to help dilute and remove animal urine or general odors. Rinsing also helps keep the lawn clean, removing some of the pollen and dirt that naturally settles on the ground. If your pet or neighborhood animals favor a particular spot on your synthetic lawn, rinse the area more frequently to help keep odors at bay.


Aim the spray of the hose downhill — or toward the street, if you don't notice a visible slope — working from the highest areas first. This helps ensure the odor-causing substances flow off of the turf, eventually.

Deodorizing Problem Areas

If areas of the synthetic grass still smell after rinsing them, the grass may need a more thorough cleaning.

  • Add a squirt or two of an eco-friendly dish soap or all-purpose soap to a bucket of water. Dip a sponge into the solution while wearing rubber gloves and gently scrub the problem spot, rinsing it off with the hose afterward. Use a sponge mop to clean a large area more efficiently. Use that mop only for outdoor purposes after using it on synthetic grass to prevent the spread of germs indoors.
  • If odor lingers even after cleaning the lawn with soap and water, spray or pour a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water offer the affected area. Allow it to soak for a few minutes, then rinse the vinegar off with a hose. Vinegar neutralizes odors.
  • For extreme odors that do not seem to go away even after several types of treatments, apply an eco-friendly enzymatic cleaner designed for artificial grass. Read and follow the package instructions carefully, as some products require application with a garden sprayer or a garden hose.  Avoid applying the product in direct sunlight.
