How To Kill Sage Grass

Things Needed

  • Glyphosate
  • Protective clothing


Do not spray the glyphosate on other vegetation. It will die also.

Sage grass (Broomsedge bluestem) is a native plant of the Midwest plains, has a copper color in the fall and winter, and is sometimes grown in the home landscape as an ornamental. Sage grass often is hard to control since it thrives in less than desirable soil conditions. In large pastures, sage grass often is controlled by burning or forced grazing. In the home landscape, however, use a non-selective herbicide to kill sage grass.

Step 1

Prepare to use a chemical herbicide that contains glyphosate to kill sage grass. Wear protective clothing, such as goggles, long pants and long-sleeve shirt. Make sure children and animals are indoors or away from the area to be sprayed. Wait until a dry day when wind is minimal. Read the label carefully, and adhere to the preparation, dilution and application instructions strictly.

Step 2

Spray glyphosate onto sage grass in the spring when it is actively growing. Spray in an even sweeping motion. A backpack sprayer works well, but for small areas, a ready-to-spray product may be ideal. Since glyphosate products contain different concentrates, follow the dosing rates as written on the label to kill grasses.

Step 3

Reapply in the fall to any sage grass that continues to grow. Another spray of glyphosate the next spring may be needed to finished the job.
