The Best Grass To Grow In South Carolina
The state of South Carolina is divided up into two hardiness zones by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Seedland. Warm-weather grasses are recommended for most of the state, while the cooler and mountainous northwestern part of South Carolina falls into a transition zone. Seedland says three grasses are used throughout the entire state.
Bermuda Grass
Bermuda grass is one of the most common grasses in South Carolina. In fact, the Seedland website says it is considered the South's grass. A warm-season grass known for its hardiness, Bermuda is used for golf courses, athletic fields, lawns and in parks. It is a good choice for South Carolina because it can adapt to different kinds of soils, including soil with salt and sand in the state's coastal areas. It spreads quickly and has deep roots that made it difficult to remove once it is established. It can be grown from both seed and sod. Its deep roots draw water from the ground, meaning it is also drought resistant. It has a dark green color that provides for an eye-catching lawn. It spreads itself by rhizomes and stolons, and is good for filling in bare areas or patches.
Centipede Grass
Centipede is often used on lawns in the southern states, including South Carolina. In addition to having an attractive green color, it has the added benefit of not requiring a lot in the way of maintenance such as fertilizer and water. It can thrive in different kinds of soils, including those found along the Atlantic Ocean. According to American Lawns, it is not susceptible to insects. Established from either sprigs or seed, centipede grass prefers areas with full sun, although it will also do well in partial shade. It grows best in areas with hot temperatures and winters that are mild without freezing conditions. A hard freeze can often kill its leaves, but it will usually bounce back when the temperatures rise. Because it has a thick turf, if tends to choke out weeds in a lawn. It also spreads quickly and overtakes other types of grasses in time.
Zoysia Grass
Zoysia is a warm-season grass that does well in in poor soil, according to the Green Share Facts Sheet. It thrives in high heat, but is also more resistant to cold conditions than most of the other warm-season grasses. This makes it a good choice for the northwestern sections of South Carolina, where temperatures tend to be lower than in the southeast. It is also a good choice for the salty and sandy soil near South Carolina's coast. Zoysia can tolerate both full fun and partial shade. Its deep roots make it drought resistant because they absorb water from beneath the ground surface. It spreads itself with rhizomes and stolons. Often planted from sod or plugs, it is durable and forms a thick turf. The Aggie Horticulture website says it is turn browns after the first hard frost, but is also among the first of the warm-weather grasses to turn green in the spring.