History Of The Ringing Cedar Trees Of Russia
The Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica) is commonly called a Siberian cedar, although it is not a cedar tree. It is the tree of "Ringing Cedars Of Russia" book series fame. The "ringing" that the tree emits is due to its enormous store of cosmic energy accumulated over hundreds of years, according to an elder in the book series.
The Siberian cedar grows to a height of about 130 feet with a trunk of over 6 feet in diameter. It prefers moist soil and cool climates, but adapts to a wide range of growing conditions.
Lake Baikal in southern Siberia, is the world's oldest lake, at 25 million years, and the 7th largest lake in the world. In its vicinity grow Siberian cedars and other trees and plants, perhaps a clue as to their venerable origins and ages. Lake Baikal is a Natural World Heritage Serial Site, its designation since 1996.
- The Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica) is commonly called a Siberian cedar, although it is not a cedar tree.
- The "ringing" that the tree emits is due to its enormous store of cosmic energy accumulated over hundreds of years, according to an elder in the book series.
Food Source
Food Source
The Siberian cedar is both an ornamental orchard species and a forest species. Cedar nuts are popular products of the tree, as food for nearby villages as well as for forest fauna such as chipmunks, squirrels and sables. Russian exports of these cedar nuts dates back to the reign of Ivan the Terrible, formally Czar Ivan IV (1530 to 1584). In 1786, the German naturalist, P. S. Pallas, who worked for many years in Russia and Siberia, noted that in Switzerland, pharmacies used pine nuts to manufacture a milk prescribed for chest ailments.
Documented History
Documented History
Siberian cedars have a very long life expectancy, usually between 300 and 500 years, and up to 800 years. Written accounts of their early cultivation in Russia date back to the 16th century. They describe a grove established on the Volga, near the 14th century Tolgskaya Monastery. In and around Moscow, Siberian cedars graced princely estates around the 17th century. Groves of Siberian cedars also grow in St. Petersburg and its surroundings and other parts of Russia.
- The Siberian cedar is both an ornamental orchard species and a forest species.
- Groves of Siberian cedars also grow in St. Petersburg and its surroundings and other parts of Russia.
"The Ringing Cedars Of Russia" Books
"The Ringing Cedars Of Russia" Books
A spiritual link with these sacred cedar trees is the premise of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" nine-book series. The series history dates back to 1995, when a Siberian trader named Vladimir Megre, meets an extraordinary woman named Anastasia, who lives in the Siberian wilderness. She possesses highly developed psychic and mental powers that include remote viewing, healing, mind reading and total recall. Anastasia so impresses Megre, that he abandons his business to write the books. The first book in the series is "Anastasia." She tells him that she would encode the books with an energy to lift readers' spirits and ensure the books' success. Over 10 million books sold by 2005, purely by word of mouth, according to the Ringing Cedars website. The books now come in over 20 languages. A young Russian scholar bought the English language rights in 2005. The books took 3 years to translate into English. "Powerful, myth-shattering messages in these books reveal profound wisdom grounded in ancient knowledge, expose suppressed secrets and hidden historical fact and offer a whole new paradigm for our planet's future," according to the website.
- A spiritual link with these sacred cedar trees is the premise of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" nine-book series.