How Tall Do Hibiscus Plants Get?

Hibiscus plants reach a wide variety of heights due to the diversity of the species. Grown as annuals, perennials or shrubs, the height range includes dwarf varieties as well taller plants that grow up to 15 feet tall. Familiarize yourself with hibiscus and its many varieties for a plant size that suits the needs of your home garden.

Dwarf Varieties

Dwarf varieties of perennial hibiscus plants reach up to 3 feet tall. The flower-of-an hour (Hibiscus trionum) is an annual hibiscus that displays dark-centered light yellow flowers and grows low to a height of 2 feet. The 'Disco Belle Mix' cultivar of the rose mallow hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos) reaches 3 feet in height, according to the Clemson University Extension.


'Anne Arundel' rose mallow (H. moscheutos) grows to 5 feet and displays pink blossoms, according to the Clemson University Extension. Another cultivar of H. moscheutos, 'Lady Baltimore' also displays pink flowers with red centers, and grows up to 5 feet tall. Red leaf hibiscus (H. acetosella) is an annual tropical shrub that grows to a height of 5 feet and displays deep red leaves.

  • Hibiscus plants reach a wide variety of heights due to the diversity of the species.
  • Another cultivar of H. moscheutos, 'Lady Baltimore' also displays pink flowers with red centers, and grows up to 5 feet tall.

Perennial Rose Mallows Grow to 8 Feet

Great rose mallow (Hibiscus grandiflorus) is a perennial species that displays light pink blooms at a height of 8 feet, according to the Clemson University Extension. Additionally, hollyhocks (Alcea rosea) often reach 8 feet in height and display flowers in vivid colors. The hollyock is related to the hibiscus, though not a true hibiscus; however, this biennial plant is grouped with hibiscus species for its close resemblance.

8- to15-Foot Perennial Shrub

Confederate roses (Hibiscus mutabilis) are large perennial shrubs that display double pink and white blooms, and often grow from 8 to 15 feet tall, according to the Clemson University Extension. There are several forms of this tall hibiscus including one commonly called blood on the rose, which opens white, changes to deep pink and is almost red within two days.

Care for Growth

Give your hibiscus proper care so it reaches its potential. Plants in good health display optimal color and reach their projected height more reliably than stressed plants or those in decline. No matter the plant type, hibiscus thrives in full sun exposure and prefers well-drained soil rich in organic content, according to the Clemson University Extension.

  • Great rose mallow (Hibiscus grandiflorus) is a perennial species that displays light pink blooms at a height of 8 feet, according to the Clemson University Extension.
