How To Identify Lawn Weeds In Central Alabama
Central Alabama gardeners may experience many lawn weeds, from broadleaf wild poinsettia and sicklepod to grassy Johnsongrass and Texas panicum or flowering maypop passionflower. Learn what type of lawn weed has invaded your yard so you can provide effective control, since different types of weeds respond best to different manual and chemical control methods. Practice weed identification at any time of year, then learn the best control method to combat lawn weeds.
Step 1
Notice the environment your weed is growing in, from the amount of light it receives daily to the texture and moisture level of the soil. Are there similar weeds nearby? What season is it? You'll use this information to positively identify the weed later on. The Alabama Invasive Plant Council classifies weeds by their growing environment, while the Alabama Cooperative Exchange System does so by their season.
- Central Alabama gardeners may experience many lawn weeds, from broadleaf wild poinsettia and sicklepod to grassy Johnsongrass and Texas panicum or flowering maypop passionflower.
- Learn what type of lawn weed has invaded your yard so you can provide effective control, since different types of weeds respond best to different manual and chemical control methods.
Step 2
Photograph the lawn weed so you can compare it to images of Alabama's weeds in weed identification databases later on.
Step 3
Observe the weed plant and list as much information as you can about the lawn weed. Describe the number, shape, size, texture and color of weed leaves. Does the weed look like grass or does it have broad leaves? If the weed develops a flower, note the color, number of petals and appearance of the flower.
Step 4
Check the weed identification guide at the Alabama Cooperative Extension System and the Alabama invasive plant list published by the Alabama Invasive Plant Council (see Resources). These provide images of common weeds so you can choose the plant that most closely resembles your lawn weed.
- Photograph the lawn weed so you can compare it to images of Alabama's weeds in weed identification databases later on.
Find your central Alabama county's Master Gardeners association if you have trouble identifying your lawn weeds (see Resources). Each Alabama county has a volunteer Master Gardeners program; a gardener can help you identify what weed you've got.