How To Identify House Plants From A Funeral

Once a funeral is over, any houseplants that have been sent by well-wishers are often given to family members to take care of as a lasting memorial. Because of the sentimental reasons behind the gift of a houseplant, it can be distressing if the plant immediately begins to wither and die. Proper care of a houseplant depends on identifying the plant.

Step 1

Observe the plant's size and shape. Most florists typically choose one of a select few types of plants that are considered "safe" for delivery to a funeral. Most plants advocated by the floral industry for funerals are upright, compact and hardy plants with no sharp edges. For example, peace lilies are a popular plant for funerals because they are compact, upright and do not fall apart when moved. Agaves are not often sent by florists due to the plant's sharp leaves.

  • Once a funeral is over, any houseplants that have been sent by well-wishers are often given to family members to take care of as a lasting memorial.
  • Agaves are not often sent by florists due to the plant's sharp leaves.

Step 2

Look for a card that identifies the plant's sender. Often these cards list the name of the florist that delivered the flowers.

Step 3

Call the florist to ask the plant's identity. Many florists keep records of the names of the plants that were delivered and where they were delivered to.

Step 4

Describe the plant that you have received. If the florist has no record of what plant was delivered, he will probably be able to identify the plant based on your description.
