How To Trim Pineapple Plants
The pineapple plant, in the Bromeliaceae family, originated in the tropical regions of South and Central America. Pineapple plants have long, sword shaped leaves that grow in a circular pattern from the center of the plant. As new leaves form at the top of the plant, the lower leaves turn brown and wilt. The leaves of a mature pineapple plant grow up to 5 feet long, and some varieties have sharp barbs along the length of the leaves.
Step 1
Look at the pineapple plant to identify any brown or wilting leaves at the base of the plant.
Step 2
Lift the healthy leaves up with one hand and reach down towards the base of the plant. Using a sharp knife, cut the dead leaf from the plant where it meets the stalk. Be careful not to cut the stalk.
- The pineapple plant, in the Bromeliaceae family, originated in the tropical regions of South and Central America.
- Using a sharp knife, cut the dead leaf from the plant where it meets the stalk.
Step 3
Continue removing leaves around the base of the plant until only healthy, green leaves are left. Only take leaves from the bottom of the plant. Avoid removing leaves from the top or center.
Pineapple Plants Reproduce?
Although many plants are easily started from seed, the pineapple is not one of them. Because of this, only select growers grow pineapples from seed. The pineapple produces several plantlets near the base of the fruit called slips. These slips appear as red or green outgrowths along the stalk. Suckers are the outcropping leaves of a pineapple. Produce a new pineapple from a sucker by cutting it carefully from the base stalk and planting it 3 to 6 inches into moist, loamy soil that drains well. As with the slip, provide full sunlight and plenty of water until the plant takes root and becomes established. The crown is the top portion of the pineapple fruit. Provide full sunlight and plenty of water.
- Continue removing leaves around the base of the plant until only healthy, green leaves are left.
- As with the slip, provide full sunlight and plenty of water until the plant takes root and becomes established.
Things Needed
- Knife
- Shears
Wear gloves and protective eye wear to prevent injury from sharp spines.
The lower leaves will die and fall off the plant naturally. Trimming your pineapple plant will improve the appearance whether it is planted outdoors or inside in a pot.
- University of Florida IFAS Extension Program: Pineapple Growing in the Home Landscape
- California Rare Fruit Growers: Pineapple
- Missouri Botanical Garden: Ananas Comosus
- Purdue University: Pineapple
- Australian Government Department of Health and Aging: Office of the Gene Technology Regulator: The Biology of Ananas Comosus Var. Comosus (Pineapple)
- Sunset: Grow Your Own Pineapples in Pots
- Texas A&M University: Home Fruit Production: Pineapple