How To Compost Citrus Leaves

Things Needed

  • Carbon based materials
  • Citrus peels
  • Citrus leaves
  • Water
  • Rake or pitchfork

Composting is an eco-friendly activity that has gained popularity over the past decade, but it has a wide range of benefits. Not only does it enrich your landscape, it saves money, decreases your household and yard waste and does not require a lot of room. Landscape clippings, such as citrus leaves, are an essential part of a compost pile's nitrogen content.

Step 1

Place a fresh layer of carbon materials in the compost pile before laying the citrus leaves. Carbon materials refer to brown, carbon-based items such as coffee grounds, sawdust, paper napkins or plates, ashes, branches and so forth.

Step 2

Layer 6 to 7 inches of hay and dried citrus leaves on top of the carbon materials.

Step 3

Add water to the compost pile lightly. Run it down the inside edges of the bin and sprinkle on top, then sift and add more to dry sections. You want the water to reach all parts of the compost pile. Without water, the composting process cannot be completed successfully. To see if there is enough water, take a handful of the compost and squeeze. If a couple drops of water come out, there is enough water.

  • Composting is an eco-friendly activity that has gained popularity over the past decade, but it has a wide range of benefits.
  • You want the water to reach all parts of the compost pile.

Step 4

Layer 3 to 4 inches of green citrus leaves to the pile, which represents the nitrogen material needed for composting.

Step 5

Use a pitchfork or sturdy rack to turn layers in the compost pile to allow air circulation to reach all parts. Air is necessary to the composting process, because the ventilation helps the bacteria create compost, working with the water. You should sift through the pile about once per week.


It takes six weeks to one year to have proper compost to use on a landscape.
