How To Grow A Flower In A Beer Bottle

Things Needed

  • Beer bottle
  • Bleach
  • Small pebbles
  • Potting soil
  • Spoon
  • Flower seeds

If the party's over and you're left with more beer bottles than you know what to do with, don't just throw them in the trash. You can send them off to the recycling center, or you can have some fun recycling them yourself. Growing flowers in old beer bottles is not only eco-friendly. You can make eclectic decor for your home and have an attractive and unique vase at the same time.

Step 1

Clean the bottle thoroughly with bleach. After the bottle has been sterilized, rinse the bleach out with warm water. If you do not have bleach available or are working with small children, you can substitute the bleach with disinfectant soap.

Step 2

Drop small pebbles into the bottle to create a 1-inch layer. Fish tank pebbles work especially well for this project. The idea is for the pebbles to work as a water drainage system in the bottle.

Step 3

Spoon 1 inch of potting soil on top of the pebbles. Shake the bottle gently to let the soil settle.

Step 4

Drop a few flower seeds on top of the soil. Spoon 1/2-inch of soil into the bottle to cover the seeds.

Step 5

Place the bottle in a warm place out of direct sunlight. Because beer bottles are made from glass and glass can act as a magnifying glass, placing the bottle in direct sunlight could cause your flower to overheat and wilt.

Step 6

Water the flower when the condensation on the inside of the bottle has evaporated. The beer bottle acts as a miniature greenhouse, so your flower will not need to be watered often.


Choose small flowers to grow inside of your beer bottle such as daises, violets or buttercups.
