Removing Algae And Mildew Stains From A Hammock

Things Needed

  • Scrub brush
  • Dust mask
  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Shallow bowl
  • Water
  • Mild dish soap
  • Oxygen bleach

A hammock may be your favorite place to relax outdoors, but it requires a bit of maintenance and upkeep, eventually. Mildew grows in humid, damp environments, which can include outdoor fabrics. Algae from nearby trees may leave stains on the hammock. A thorough treatment with vinegar and soapy water renders the hammock mildew- and algae-free once again. Bypass the chlorine bleach when cleaning your hammock, as it may compromise the fabric.

Step 1

Brush the algae or mildew stains and spots on the hammock with a scrub brush while the hammock is hanging in its usual area. Wear a dust mask while brushing to avoid breathing in mildew spores, which may aggravate allergy and asthma symptoms. Do this while the hammock is dry; if wet, allow it to dry out completely.

Step 2

Flip the hammock over to inspect the underside, brushing away any mildew or algae spots you find. Enlist the help of a friend if it is difficult to keep the hammock turned sideways or upside-down.

Step 3

Pour a small amount of white vinegar over each stain. Allow the hammock to soak for 10 or 15 minutes, ideally in direct sunlight.

Step 4

Rinse off the scrub brush to remove any dry mildew or algae particles; then scrub the spotted areas on the hammock. Rinse the brush from time to time if scrubbing many spots to avoid spreading debris and dirt.

Step 5

Sprinkle a little baking soda over the spots if they still exist. Scrub with the scrub brush after several minutes. Rinse the scrub brush.

Step 6

Fill a shallow bowl with warm water and add a squirt of a mild dish soap. Mix the water with your hands; then dip the scrub brush into the soapy water. Scrub the spots with the soapy water, and rinse it with a garden hose. Avoid spraying the spreader bars or hooks that hold up the hammock.

Step 7

Mix an oxygen bleach into a bowl of water using the proportions recommended on the package for difficult stains if spots are still present. Oxygen bleaches use oxygen to remove stains, rather than chlorine-style bleaching agents.

Step 8

Dip the scrub brush into the oxygen bleach solution and scrub the spots on the hammock. Wipe the solution away with a damp sponge or with a rinse with a garden hose. Allow the hammock to air dry completely in a well-ventilated area.


If algae and mildew are common occurrences on the hammock, move the hammock to a sunnier area, at least once in a while, to allow the fabric or roping to dry out.


Avoid getting the entire hammock saturated, if possible, to prevent stretching. Concentrate water sprays on stained areas.
