Leftover Paver Projects

Pavers are widely available in many different sizes and designs. They make long-lasting, attractive patios, sidewalks and even driveways thanks to their strength and ease of installation. Nearly every paver job ends with at least a few pavers left over, and with a little creativity those extra pavers can become bonus landscape projects.


One of the easiest projects for leftover pavers is a simple planter. The size of the planter can vary widely depending on how many pavers are left and how much time can be invested. The benefit of building a planter with the leftover pavers is that nearly any size looks great, and it can be done with as few as 4 or 5 leftover pavers.

For brick-shaped pavers, that is, pavers that are not flat stepping-stone style, the planter can actually be constructed freestanding by laying the pavers in a square, circular or really any shape and stacking courses on top of each other, just like a retaining wall.

  • Pavers are widely available in many different sizes and designs.
  • The benefit of building a planter with the leftover pavers is that nearly any size looks great, and it can be done with as few as 4 or 5 leftover pavers.

If the leftover pavers are 12x12-inch (or smaller) squares, a box planter can be assembled by gluing the pavers together using exterior concrete construction adhesive. This will take 5 pavers and simply requires purchasing a tube of adhesive. Once the pavers are glued and the adhesive is dry, the planter can be finished with patio paint or concrete stain, or it can even be left with the finish of the pavers themsevles.


Benches require a few more leftover pavers to complete, but they are very durable and look great. Because the pavers will generally be no larger than 12x12 inches, the actual seat of the bench is most often made out of wood, with the supports being made from the pavers.

Exterior construction adhesive is used to keep the pavers from shifting. Simply apply a generous amount of adhesive to the first paver, and then stack the second on top of it. Repeat this process until the desired bench height is reached. The pavers can be stacked perfectly square or slightly askew, depending on the desired design. Once the adhesive is dry, the bench seat can be cut from a section of treated lumber — the finish of the treated lumber looks fantastic against the stone of the pavers and will hold up to weather and bugs.

  • If the leftover pavers are 12x12-inch (or smaller) squares, a box planter can be assembled by gluing the pavers together using exterior concrete construction adhesive.

Water Feature

A water feature is one of the more-difficult projects to complete with leftover patio pavers, but it is well worth the effort. This project requires the purchase of some components, such as a pump, holding tank and tubing. The water feature can be designed a number of different ways, but the most straightforward is to dig a small hole for the holding tank to sit in, place the pavers on top and run the fountain/spout through the gap between the pavers. Water will spray out from the tank onto the top of the pavers and then run down between the cracks in the pavers back into the holding tank.

Combine Them!

The great thing about doing an extra-creative project with some leftover pavers is that each of the projects will tie back into the original project in which the pavers were used. So if a planter is made out of some extra pavers, it would look great sitting on the patio made out of the same pavers or next to a paver sidewalk.
