The Best Clover To Plant For Rabbits

Clover is a soft, flavorful plant that rabbits love. You can plant clover intentionally to attract rabbits to your yard, or you can plant clover as a distraction plant to prevent rabbits from eating other plants in your garden. If you own rabbits as pets, you may also like to grow clover as a special treat for them. Just don't use chemicals or harsh fertilizers on the clover so that the rabbits stay healthy.

Red Clover

Red clover is a favorite variety of clover for rabbits. Red clover can grow in various soil and temperature conditions, but it prefers well-drained, loamy soil with a pH between 6 and 7. Red clover will grow several years in a row as an annual plant. In the north, it will grow up to three years, and in warmer climates, it often never dies out. Red clover varieties include Cherokee, Kenland, Redland, Redlandgraze and Colenso.

  • Clover is a soft, flavorful plant that rabbits love.
  • Red clover will grow several years in a row as an annual plant.

White Clover

White clover is another favorite for rabbits. White clover can tolerate wetter conditions than many other clover varieties, which makes it ideal for marshy areas and land under sea level. White clover has small white blossoms when blooming. This clover is a perennial clover and will not grow back from year to year in most locations. White clover prefers loamy soil with a pH between 6 and 7. Some white clover varieties include Dutch white, California, Tillman, Ladino and Osceola.

Alsike Clover

Alsike clover is a perennial clover that often does not last more than two seasons. Alsike clover is the most moisture tolerant of all of the clover varieties. This clover can live in acidic soils and even floodlike conditions for several weeks. Plant Alsike clover in poorly drained areas. Two varieties of Alsike clover are Aurora and Dawn.

  • White clover is another favorite for rabbits.
  • This clover can live in acidic soils and even floodlike conditions for several weeks.

Shamrock Clover

Shamrock clover is the short, bright-green clover that most people think of when they envision shamrock. When the clover blooms, it produces small yellow flowers, rather than bulblike petal clusters. Shamrock clover is an annual plant and will grow back for several years. Just like other clover varieties, it loves well-drained, loamy soil with a pH between 6 and 7. Shamrock clover is also called hop-along clover.
