How To Kill Jerusalem Artichokes

Jerusalem artichokes reproduce by seed and a network of rhizomes. Fructose extracted from Jerusalem artichokes acts as a good substitute for sugar and a health food for patients suffering from diabetes. Jerusalem artichokes have a culinary use as an alternative to potatoes. Farmers and gardeners have a problem when the growth of Jerusalem artichokes gets out of hand and makes a large underground network of rhizomes and tubers, preventing other plants from growing in the garden or farm.

Step 1

Dig up any tubers and rhizomes with a spade in late June before new tubers begin to form. Gather all the tubers in a basket and put them in the yard waste container if you have a small garden.

Step 2

Till the field two or three times if the Jerusalem artichokes have become weeds in larger gardens or farms. You should till the field in late June to get rid of new tubers.

  • Jerusalem artichokes reproduce by seed and a network of rhizomes.
  • Farmers and gardeners have a problem when the growth of Jerusalem artichokes gets out of hand and makes a large underground network of rhizomes and tubers, preventing other plants from growing in the garden or farm.

Step 3

Use the mower to remove the top growth frequently to prevent Jerusalem artichoke tubers and rhizomes from spreading.

Step 4

Apply herbicide with a sprayer from midsummer to late autumn to get rid of Jerusalem artichoke rhizomes and tubers. Spray as soon as the plants reach a height of 8 to 12 inches. Spray again 10 days after the first application. Effective brand names of herbicides that treat Jerusalem artichokes include Kilmor, manufactured by Ciba-Geigy, Banvel by Sandoz and Roundup by Monsanto.

Step 5

Wear rubber gloves and try to find roots and rhizomes of Jerusalem artichokes with your hands. Remove all of the growth that you find manually or with a garden fork and put it out for garbage collection.

  • Use the mower to remove the top growth frequently to prevent Jerusalem artichoke tubers and rhizomes from spreading.
  • Apply herbicide with a sprayer from midsummer to late autumn to get rid of Jerusalem artichoke rhizomes and tubers.

Prepare Jerusalem Artichokes For Planting

Separate tubers that weigh more than 2 ounces from smaller ones that weigh less than 2 ounces. Cut the larger tubers into sections that weigh about 1 to 2 ounces each. Prepare Jerusalem artichokes at planting time to prevent the seed pieces from drying out. Put one section or small tuber in each hole and cover it with soil. Jerusalem artichokes take 10 to 17 days to germinate and emerge from the soil when soil temperature reaches at least 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

Things Needed

  • Tiller
  • Mower
  • Spade
  • Herbicide
  • Sprayer
  • Rubber gloves
  • Garden fork


Jerusalem artichokes are persistent weeds; it may take two years before completely eradicating them from your garden.
