Which Grass Seed Is To Grow Dark Green Grass?
Choosing the right grass seed for a dark green lawn can be affected by a variety of factors. Climate influences whether grass seed produces the desired result. Another factor that affects the outcome is whether the location is mostly sunny or shady. Grass requires a certain amount of attention to appear dark green and attractive. For healthy green lawns, grass should be mowed approximately every five days and fertilized periodically.
Kentucky Bluegrass
Kentucky Bluegrass
Kentucky bluegrass is a common choice among homeowners looking for a luscious dark green lawn. It is a cool-weather perennial grass that does best in cool, moist weather. According to Pennsylvania State Cooperative Extension, this type of grass is found throughout the United States but is most common in areas where temperatures typically stay below 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Kentucky bluegrass doesn't do well in shady areas and requires watering during hot, dry periods.
- Choosing the right grass seed for a dark green lawn can be affected by a variety of factors.
- Kentucky bluegrass doesn't do well in shady areas and requires watering during hot, dry periods.
Bermuda Grass
Bermuda Grass
Bermuda grass is often used as a turf grass but may be used for other purposes. Also known as couchgrass, wiregrass or devilgrass, Bermuda is easy to grow and spreads easily. This type of grass prefers full sun and is drought-resistant. It tolerates heavy traffic and is a favorite choice for many lawns, parks and golf courses. Bermuda grass may turn brown when the temperature drops, but improved hybrids have been developed for a longer season of dark green color.
Fescues are cool-season grasses that require little maintenance. They tolerate shady areas well. There are several types of fescue, and fescue seeds are often included in seed blends. Red fescue is a fine-bladed grass with a deep green color. Tall fescue is a perennial bunch-type grass suited to shady areas and high-traffic lawns. Tall fescues remain green for eight or nine months a year.
- Bermuda grass is often used as a turf grass but may be used for other purposes.
- Bermuda grass may turn brown when the temperature drops, but improved hybrids have been developed for a longer season of dark green color.
Zoysia Grass
Zoysia Grass
Zoysia is a warm-season grass that under proper conditions is a beautiful shade of dark green. It tolerates drought well but will turn brown under conditions of extreme drought, according to American Lawns. Zoysia should not be grown in cool-season areas, because it turns brown as soon as the weather cools and won't turn green again until the following spring. This grass grows well in full sun or light shade in warm climates.