Care Instructions For An Amarillo Plant
Although amaryllis are most popular in red or scarlet, they are available in pink, salmon, white, rose and even bi-colored. These perennial plants offer a colorful touch to an indoor landscape with their winter blooms. Caring for an amaryllis is a year-round job, to ensure that the blooms turn out just right during the holiday season.
Step 1
Choose a planter that in deep enough for the root system to flourish, but only 1 inch wider in diameter than the bulb. Amaryllis bulbs thrive in a narrow pot.
Step 2
Fill the planter with potting soil enriched with organic material. Place the bulb into the soil, leaving one-third of the bulb above the surface of the soil. Firm the soil around the bulb and water generously.
- Although amaryllis are most popular in red or scarlet, they are available in pink, salmon, white, rose and even bi-colored.
- Firm the soil around the bulb and water generously.
Step 3
Place the planter in a warm sunny location, inside your home. Fertilize the bulb after growth has appeared with a fertilizer high in phosphorous, following the label directions. Move the planter away from the direct sunlight once color appears on the buds.
Step 4
Cut the dead flowers after blooming, leaving the stalks behind. They provide needed nutrients to the bulb after flowering. Remove them once they yellow. Place the planter in a bright, sunny location indoors. Water it generously, allowing the top 2 inches of soil to dry between watering sessions.
- Place the planter in a warm sunny location, inside your home.
Step 5
Move the planter outdoors after the last frost. Continue to water the bulb well. Apply a 5-10-5 fertilizer monthly, following the label directions.
Step 6
Stop fertilizing the plant in August and decrease watering sessions to prepare the plant for its dormant period.
Step 7
Move the planter inside to a cool dark location in September to initiate its dormant period.
Step 8
Remove the planter from the dark location and place into a warm, bright location indoors in November and water generously to begin the life cycle once again.
Care Instructions For An Amarillo Plant
An Amarillo plant (scientific name Tabebuia chrysantha) is generally known as a perennial tree. The range of colors are red, orange, salmon, pink, white, striped or variegated. An Amarillo plant is a popular gift because they are an indoor plant and are long-lasting and require minimal care. The plant should remain inside in a sunny spot until no threat of frost lingers outside. Once the warm weather has started, put the plant outside under a shady tree to continue growing. Gradually reduce watering over a period of 3 weeks until you have completely stopped watering. Remember to keep the soil moist and rotate the plant daily and keep it in temperatures of 55-65 degrees F. The Amarillo should become a gorgeous plant 4 to 8 weeks from the time you started watering.
- Move the planter outdoors after the last frost.
- Remember to keep the soil moist and rotate the plant daily and keep it in temperatures of 55-65 degrees F. The Amarillo should become a gorgeous plant 4 to 8 weeks from the time you started watering.
Things Needed
- Planter
- Potting soil
- Fertilizer