How To Get Rid Of Gophers Naturally
Things Needed
- Pinwheels
- Wind chimes
- Used cat litter
- Castor oil pellets
- Cyan pepper power
- Commercial gopher repellents
Gophers, also known as woodchucks in some parts of the country, can devastate a lawn or garden. They create large holes and eat away at the surrounding vegetation. Unlike deer, gophers cannot be physically blocked out of a garden with a fence. Instead, they must be discouraged from wanting to frequent the tunnels they build there. If shooting gophers is not possible where you live, or if you want to avoid the bloodshed, here are a few natural tricks to rid your garden of their presence.
Step 1
Place objects that move or make noise around the perimeter of your garden, throughout the garden, and near gopher holes. The more intimidating they are, the more likely they will scare away the gophers.
Step 2
Sprinkle used cat litter around the gopher holes and inside of them. The ammonia in the cat urine is unpleasant to gophers and may make them move. Use as much cat litter as possible. It will break down, and therefore is not harmful to the environment.
Step 3
Spray cyan pepper powder inside the woodchuck holes, if the woodchucks still persist. Get it as deep into the hole as possible, making it harder for the gopher to dig it out. If this does not work, continue to step 4.
Step 4
Apply caster oil granules inside and along the holes. Much like the cyan pepper, this discourages the rodents.
Step 5
Use a commercial gopher repellent, if all else fails. This usually comes in the form of granules that can be sprinkled into the holes. Choose one that is non-toxic.
Getting rid of gophers tends to take repeated applications of the chosen product. Be persistent.