Understanding Gyp-Crete Floors
Gyp-Crete is a product created by the Maxxon Company in 1972 for use in soundproofing and as floor underlayment. Gyp-Crete is the brand name of this Maxxon product that is a special formula of concrete and gypsum and is used in townhouses and condominiums along with motels and hotels.
Gyp-Crete is a product created by the Maxxon Company in 1972 for use in soundproofing and as floor underlayment. Gyp-Crete is the brand name of this Maxxon product that is a special formula of concrete and gypsum and is used in townhouses and condominiums along with motels and hotels.
Gyp-Crete starts out as a self- leveling liquid that is poured onto the wooden sub flooring and allowed to cure or set. It is perfect for use in radiant floor heating systems due to its liquidity. The water pipes are installed first with the Gyp-Crete poured over them. Gyp-Crete is also used as an underlayment for hardwood floors by applying furring strips in the mixture to allow for nailing in the flooring. Other floor coverings that work with Gyp-Crete are laminates, stone and industrial flooring applications.
- Gyp-Crete is a product created by the Maxxon Company in 1972 for use in soundproofing and as floor underlayment.
- Gyp-Crete is also used as an underlayment for hardwood floors by applying furring strips in the mixture to allow for nailing in the flooring.
Multi-Family Dwellings
Multi-Family Dwellings
There are federal and state fire codes that pertain to multi-family dwellings such as apartment buildings in regard to fire barriers. One such code requires a fire barrier of one to two hours between separate dwellings, according to the Florida Apartment Association. Gyp-Crete is used in the construction of multi-family dwellings with more than one floor. A solid concrete slab measuring about 4 inches thick is the foundation with subsequent floors using a plywood substrate and Gyp-Crete poured on top of this. This creates a stable subfloor for most types of floor coverings and also creates an adequate soundproof barrier between floors.
Gyp-Crete floors reduce construction costs but may require additional expenses during the life of the flooring. Gyp-Crete will crumble and become a fine dust-like particulate over time, requiring re-pouring or replacing, which is potentially expensive. On existing buildings, installing Gyp-Crete is not recommended as a do-it-yourself project. Installation is generally required by a licensed applicator.
- There are federal and state fire codes that pertain to multi-family dwellings such as apartment buildings in regard to fire barriers.
- Gyp-Crete is used in the construction of multi-family dwellings with more than one floor.
Technical Details
Technical Details
Gyp-Crete, when cured at 3/4 inch, weighs 6-1/2 pounds per square foot. It has a compressive strength of up to 2000 pounds per square inch. Gyp-Crete underlayment possesses zero surface burning characteristics including fuel contribution, smoke density and flame spread.