How To Care For Fuchsia Firecrackers
Things Needed
- Container
- Potting soil
- 20-20-20 water-soluble fertilizer
Fuschia Firecrackers are a cultivar of "Fuchsia triphylla." This species in particular is more heat resistant than some others and is a good choice for home gardeners who live in warmer climates, according to the Clemson Cooperative Extension. Commonly called the honeysuckle fuschsia, this cultivar has a distinctive appearance, with variegated pink, cream and green leaves and bright reddish-orange flowers. Like all fuchsias, the Firecracker fuchsia requires careful attention but no special care.
Step 1
Place your fuchsia where it will receive partial shade. Even heat-tolerant Firecracker fuchsias will benefit from protection from direct sunlight in the afternoon. Place indoor plants near a west-, south- or east-facing window.
- Fuschia Firecrackers are a cultivar of "Fuchsia triphylla."
- Even heat-tolerant Firecracker fuchsias will benefit from protection from direct sunlight in the afternoon.
Step 2
Provide loamy, well-draining soil for your plant. Firecracker fuchsias do not grow well in heavy, water-retaining soils. Commercial potting soils that contain peat moss and perlite work well.
Step 3
Water often. Keep the soil moist. In some cases, this may mean watering twice a day. Fuchsias, and especially container fuchsias, are heavy drinkers.
- Provide loamy, well-draining soil for your plant.
- Commercial potting soils that contain peat moss and perlite work well.
Step 4
Fertilize your fuchsia every other week with a balanced (20-20-20), water-soluble fertilizer. Do it on the same day each time. Stop fertilizing in early fall about two weeks before you will bring your plant inside if you are going to overwinter it.
Step 5
Pluck off seed heads in the fall, and bring your fuchsia plant inside before the first hard frost of the winter. Keep it in a cool, dry location where temperatures will remain around 45 degrees Fahrenheit.
Step 6
Watch for new shoots in the spring. Once they have two leaves, pinch off the tip. This will promote fuller, bushier growth.
- Fertilize your fuchsia every other week with a balanced (20-20-20), water-soluble fertilizer.
- Stop fertilizing in early fall about two weeks before you will bring your plant inside if you are going to overwinter it.
Hot, drying winds will harm the plant. For this reason, many home gardeners grow fuchsias on porches, where they are partially protected.
Fuchsias are susceptible to a large number of insect pests, including aphids and mites. Inspect your Firecracker plants regularly and spray them with an insecticide if necessary.