How To Mix Quikrete 5000 For Countertops

Things Needed

  • Water
  • Wheelbarrow or cement mixer
  • Trowel

Quikrete 5000 is a commercial-grade concrete mix designed for projects such as footers, deck supports, patios and driveway aprons. You can also use it to create solid concrete countertops that you will later finish with an acid etch or cover over with tile. Quikrete does not require anything but water to activate the concrete. Therefore, you will need the basic tools to mix concrete and no organic supplies like lime or sand.

Step 1

Add ¾ the amount of water specified on the packaging for the amount of concrete you need to mix into your concrete mixer or wheelbarrow.

Step 2

Pour the full amount of the Quikrete 5000 mix into the water and turn on the mixer. If using a wheelbarrow, mix the concrete manually with a trowel. Mix until the constancy becomes thick like plastic.

  • Quikrete 5000 is a commercial-grade concrete mix designed for projects such as footers, deck supports, patios and driveway aprons.
  • Add ¾ the amount of water specified on the packaging for the amount of concrete you need to mix into your concrete mixer or wheelbarrow.

Step 3

Add additional water to thin out the consistency or to keep the concrete moist. Quickrete is designed to set fast so you need to work fast or keep the concrete hydrated.


Before mixing the concrete, cut and secure all of your concrete forms for your countertop. This ensures you can minimize the time between mixing and pouring your concrete.
