How To Clean Bean Sprout Seeds With Bleach Solution
Things Needed
- Container
- Bleach
- Tap water
- Mesh strainer
According to the agriculturalists at the University of California, most E. coli infections that result from eating home-grown bean sprouts originate from contaminated seed. Therefore, it is advisable to clean your bean sprout seed before you plant it. Bleach is the most reliable way to clean the seed and eliminate surface bacteria. It should not only be used to clean your bean sprout seeds, but the containers that they are grown in too.
Step 1
Prepare enough of a 2 percent bleach solution (1 teaspoon of bleach per cup of hot water) to completely cover the bean sprout seeds when they are submerged.
Step 2
Add the seed to the bleach solution. Set a timer and leave the seeds to soak for 15 minutes.
- According to the agriculturalists at the University of California, most E. coli infections that result from eating home-grown bean sprouts originate from contaminated seed.
- Therefore, it is advisable to clean your bean sprout seed before you plant it.
Step 3
Pour the seeds out over a mesh strainer. Put the strainer under the tap and rinse the seeds for 30 seconds. Use your hands to mix the seeds around to make sure that they are thoroughly rinsed.
Step 4
Spread the seeds out on a flat surface until they are dry.
Step 5
Plant as soon as possible.