How Long To Store Lawn Fertilizer?

Lawn fertilizers help keep grass vigorous and healthy, making it more resistant to weeds and infection and improving ability to recover from environmental stresses like drought and wear. Regardless of fertilizer brand, all products primarily contain the three essential nutrients — nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium — and may be stored for specific periods of time without losing potency.

Shelf Life of Dry Fertilizer

"Shelf life" refers to the period for which you can store lawn fertilizers. Dry lawn fertilizers that do not contain any pesticides may be stored indefinitely, according to fertilizer manufacturer, the Scotts Miracle-Gro Company.

Shelf Life of Liquid Fertilizer

Liquid fertilizers are often preferred by homeowners for their easy spray application, via garden hose. These fertilizers easily cover an average sized lawn in about 10 minutes. According to the Outside Pride company site, the shelf life of a liquid lawn fertilizer is between eight and 10 years.

  • Lawn fertilizers help keep grass vigorous and healthy, making it more resistant to weeds and infection and improving ability to recover from environmental stresses like drought and wear.
  • According to the Outside Pride company site, the shelf life of a liquid lawn fertilizer is between eight and 10 years.


Lawn fertilizers that include the world "propagules" on their label have a short shelf life and cannot be stored for long periods like liquid or dry fertilizers, according to "The Homeowner's Complete Tree & Shrub Handbook."

Lawn Fertilizer Be Used On Shrubs?

Both grass and shrubs need about 1 pound actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. The numbers on the bag indicate the percentage of the macronutrients nitrogen, potassium and phosphate. The crabgrass control herbicide is safe for shrubs and trees, but the broadleaf weed killer can kill them. Do not use this type of fertilizer where it can be picked up by the roots of trees or shrubs, even if you are applying it to grass under or next to the trees or shrubs. Grass grows well on a neutral pH soil and can tolerate a wide range from acid to alkaline. Many shrubs, including azalea, rhododendrons and blueberries, do best on acid soil. Lawn fertilizers seldom contain these. If you use lawn fertilizer on acid-loving shrubs, also add an iron and sulfur supplement. Cool-season lawns should be fertilized in the fall and spring. Shrubs should not be fertilized after the middle of the summer.

  • Lawn fertilizers that include the world "propagules" on their label have a short shelf life and cannot be stored for long periods like liquid or dry fertilizers, according to "The Homeowner's Complete Tree & Shrub Handbook."
