How To Get Rid Of Carpet Grass

Carpet grass is a creeping warm season grass native to the West Indies. The spreading branches will tolerate shade in moist and poorly-drained soils. Carpet grass self propagates from seed and the running stolons. The plant will not tolerate heavy fertilization, especially fertilizers high in nitrogen. The most effective control is a properly maintained and healthy lawn or herbicidal application.

Step 1

Control the spread of carpet grass by properly fertilizing the turf. Follow label directions in application rates and frequency. Carpet grass will not tolerate fertilizers with a high nitrogen level.

  • Carpet grass is a creeping warm season grass native to the West Indies.
  • Carpet grass will not tolerate fertilizers with a high nitrogen level.

Step 2

Irrigate the area on an infrequent schedule. Carpet grass enjoys moist soil. Infrequent watering will cause the carpet grass to become weak, while turf grass will extend its roots even deeper through irregular irrigation.

Step 3

Mow the turf grass lawn to a height of 2 to 2 1/2 inches. The short height will aid in weakening the carpet grass, causing the runners to become stunted.

Step 4

Apply the pre-emergent herbicide dithiopyr in either a spring or fall application. Follow label directions for application rates. Do not over-seed the area with turf grass species seed until four months have passed.

  • Irrigate the area on an infrequent schedule.
  • Infrequent watering will cause the carpet grass to become weak, while turf grass will extend its roots even deeper through irregular irrigation.

Step 5

Seed the area with the type and species of grass turf predominant in the lawn. Use the directions on the label package for the amount of seed to broadcast. Irrigate and fertilize according to grass species. Keep the new grass mowed to 2 1/2 inches.

Care Of Carpet Grass

Carpet grass serves as a cover crop and temporary grass. Carpet grass works well in wet, shady areas where more common turf species prove difficult to grow. see References 1, page 1) Plant carpet grass from April to July. of carpet grass seed per 1,000 square feet. Plant sprigs 6 to 12 inches apart in rows spaced 12 inches apart. Make a supplemental feeding in August, if necessary. Use a slow-release formula to avoid disease growth. Do not let the grass grow taller than 2¼ inches because it will produce seed heads. Grass growing in sandy soils may require up 1/2 inch every three to four days.

  • Seed the area with the type and species of grass turf predominant in the lawn.
  • Use the directions on the label package for the amount of seed to broadcast.

Things Needed

  • Lawn fertilizer
  • Irrigation
  • Mower
  • Pre-emergent herbicide (dithiopyr)
  • Lawn grass seed


Keep people and pets away from any area treated with an herbicide.


It may take several attempts to completely get rid of carpet grass.
