Is My Azalea Dead?
If your azalea bush is shriveled up, brittle and brown, it is likely dead. Before planting new azalea bushes, learn about what caused your shrub to die and how to prevent repeating the mistake.
If your azalea bush is shriveled up, brittle and brown, it is likely dead. Before planting new azalea bushes, learn about what caused your shrub to die and how to prevent repeating the mistake.
The most common cause of a dead azalea is improper care, according to the Azalea Society of America. Most azaleas will exhibit symptoms that something is wrong before it is too late.
Common mistakes that lead to the death of azaleas include improper planting, the application of too much fertilizer or watering too much. These things weaken the shrub and make it susceptible to diseases and pests.
Take your dead azalea to a local county agent, master gardener or university extension to learn how it died and to get some tips to prevent future azalea bushes from dying as well.
- If your azalea bush is shriveled up, brittle and brown, it is likely dead.
- Take your dead azalea to a local county agent, master gardener or university extension to learn how it died and to get some tips to prevent future azalea bushes from dying as well.
Pot An Azalea
Check to see if the azalea needs repotting after you have had it a while. Remove the azalea from its current pot. Slice through the encircling roots at 2- or 3-inch intervals all the way around the root ball. Adjust the soil level beneath the root ball if necessary. Don't allow water to stand in the pot's saucer. After about five minutes, empty any excess standing water. Keep soil moist but not soggy. Plan on fertilizing the azalea during the growing season with a low-nitrogen fertilizer made for acid-loving plants, since the soilless potting mix doesn't contain enough nutrition for the plant to grow well.
- Check to see if the azalea needs repotting after you have had it a while.
- Azalea Society of America: FAQs
- University of Missouri Extension: Care of Flowering Potted Plants
- Grow Plants in Pots; DK Publishing