A Vinegar Remedy For Chinch Bugs

Adult and nymphal chinch bugs feed on all parts of host plants such as corn, rice, small grains, sorghum, turf and bunch grasses. For an alternative to pesticides, use an apple cider vinegar mixture for an organic remedy.


Mature chinch bugs have a black body and frosty white wings. They grow to nearly 3/16 inches long. Characteristic triangular black designs mark the center of the wings along the outer edges. Nymphs have a colorful reddish orange body with a pale white stripe across their abdomen.


Chinch bugs remove sap from the bottom of plants with their sucking mouthparts and insert a toxic substance that inhibits the plant from transferring water. Infestations produce yellowed plants and grasses. Lawn damage will emerge as heat stresses areas in the yard.

  • Adult and nymphal chinch bugs feed on all parts of host plants such as corn, rice, small grains, sorghum, turf and bunch grasses.
  • Chinch bugs remove sap from the bottom of plants with their sucking mouthparts and insert a toxic substance that inhibits the plant from transferring water.


Prepare the remedy by mixing together 1 gallon of water, 1 ounce of dark molasses, 1 ounce of liquid seaweed, 1 ounce of apple cider vinegar, 1 ounce of citrus oil and 1 cup of manure compost tea or liquid humate. After combing all ingredients, spray the mixture on chinch bug-infested plants and grass. To make manure compost tea, fill half a bucket with manure compost and the other half with water. Let it stand for 10 to 14 days. Before using, dilute it down to one part concentrate to four to 10 parts water and strain out any solids.

Rid Of Chinch Bugs From The House

There are three varieties of chinch bugs that belong to the Lygaeidae insect family. In summer, the insects cling to the sides of houses and can easily enter through crevices, doors and windows. To eliminate chinch bugs from being a pest inside the house, they must be controlled in the lawn. Focus on crevices, along windows and near doors. Dispose of the bugs from the vacuum promptly. Heavy infestations that are vacuumed up can begin to smell if left to decompose inside the vacuum. Seal all outside cracks and crevices using an exterior caulk and a caulk gun. Make sure there are no holes in window screens. Chinch bugs live and breed in excessive thatch buildup. Remove only 35 percent to 40 percent of the grass tips when mowing. Water thoroughly after application. Many brands of chinch grass granulated insecticides are sold at garden supply stores.

  • Prepare the remedy by mixing together 1 gallon of water, 1 ounce of dark molasses, 1 ounce of liquid seaweed, 1 ounce of apple cider vinegar, 1 ounce of citrus oil and 1 cup of manure compost tea or liquid humate.
  • To eliminate chinch bugs from being a pest inside the house, they must be controlled in the lawn.
