How To Water Sedums
Sedum plants, also called stonecrop, require very little water to survive. The fleshy, plump leaves store water, making sedums tolerant of drought and dry, harsh conditions. All plants need water, and sedums are no exception — the trick is to water enough to keep the plants happy without watering too much. Sedum plants are easy to over water both in the ground and in containers. An over-watered sedum is likely to flop over and die more quickly than an under-watered sedum.
Step 1
Water sedums in the garden only during hot, dry weather. Press your index finger into the top 2 inches of the soil. If it is dry at the bottom, soak each plant until the ground is damp 4 inches deep.
Step 2
Allow sedums to dry out between waterings. In wet and rainy weather, do not provide sedums with additional water.
Step 3
Water potted sedums when the top 1 inch of soil dries out. Press your index finger into the soil at the edge of the pot to see how deep the moisture level is.
Step 4
Place the pot into the sink and soak it with water until it runs out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. Leave the pot in the sink to drain before replacing it in its permanent location.
Plant sedums in rocky soil with good drainage. Rich loamy soil and heavy wet soil do not provide a suitable environment. Use potting soil with good drainage for container-grown sedums. Look for a mix formulated for cacti and succulents at the local home and garden center. Don't fertilize sedums; these hardy plants are likely to droop in highly nutritious soil.