How High To Hang A Wren House

Things Needed

  • Stepladder
  • 3-inch aluminum nails
  • Hammer
  • Drill
  • Strong wire or cord

Wrens are worth encouraging in your garden since they consume large quantities of pest insects. Hanging wren houses is one way to get these birds to visit your garden and multiply. Wrens are not that fussy about where they nest and sometimes nest in any cavity of the right size, including old boots and abandoned cars. However, they seem to prefer to nest about 5 to 10 feet above ground. Wren houses should also be out of the reach of predators, such as cats. Too high, though, and wrens may not use them.

Step 1

Locate a suitable tree or fencepost. You need a spot 5 to 10 feet above the ground, and not easily accessible to cats. Wrens prefer thick vegetation to nest in, rather than very exposed sites.

Step 2

Pick a low spot, about 5 feet off the ground, if climbing up a stepladder is difficult for you.

Step 3

Attach the wren house to the tree with nails through the backing board (if your wren house has one) at the top and bottom. Alternative, drill a hole through each side near the top and thread strong wire through. Secure the house below a branch by twisting the wire ends together over the branch.


Try putting up several nest boxes at different heights to discover what the wrens in your area prefer. The most likely species to visit your garden in the United States is the house wren. There are several other species, though, and they may have different preferences. Position the boxes at least 20 feet apart because wrens can be highly territorial.
