How To Troubleshoot A LaserMark LMH
The LaserMark LMH series self-leveling laser can be a timesaver for marking when used in construction projects, such as road and driveway paving, and countless site preparation tasks. Since the self-leveling laser is commonly depended on for measurement accuracy, when it malfunctions, it can affect work progress on a large or small construction site. What enables the laser to function could be the likely source to examine when it fails. Begin troubleshooting your LaserMark by inspecting its batteries and those parts that it come in closest contact to them.
Step 1
Inspect the batteries to be sure that none are defective. If even one battery is flawed, performance is severely affected. Test each battery with a battery tester or voltmeter. If one is found defective, replace all batteries so that long-term performance is enhanced.
- The LaserMark LMH series self-leveling laser can be a timesaver for marking when used in construction projects, such as road and driveway paving, and countless site preparation tasks.
- If one is found defective, replace all batteries so that long-term performance is enhanced.
Step 2
Reinstall all batteries correctly if not properly set.
Step 3
Check for battery leakage. The battery box may be damaged if battery contacts are corroded. If this is the case, replace the battery box to prevent further damage to the laser tool.
Step 4
Check that the battery tray is attached securely to the unit's base.
Step 5
Check that the battery connections make contact with the battery prongs. Minor prong adjustments may also need to be made when different battery brands are installed at various times.
- Reinstall all batteries correctly if not properly set.
- The battery box may be damaged if battery contacts are corroded.
Step 6
Turn the machine off and then turn it back on again to reset the internal processor.
Step 7
Take out the battery tray. Wait 30 seconds and then reinstall it.
Step 8
Press the "Anti-Drift System" button off.
Troubleshoot A Lasermark
The LaserMark is the brand name of a series of rotary laser levels produced by CST/Berger. The devices are designed for use by professionals in need of fast and accurate horizontal and vertical self-leveling. Also, the battery unit can be removed for five to 10 seconds to allow the capacitor to discharge. Use a clean, dry cloth to make sure the laser emitter is clear of all dust and debris. This will ensure that a proper level is achieved.
- Turn the machine off and then turn it back on again to reset the internal processor.
- Also, the battery unit can be removed for five to 10 seconds to allow the capacitor to discharge.
Invest in a rechargeable battery pack. Battery performance is best after five complete charges and discharges.