Shallow Root Perennials
Perennials are plants that live at least 2 to 3 years. Shallow-rooted perennials are low-maintenance plants with multiple roots growing near the soil surface. There are many shallow-rooted perennials.
Perennials are plants that live at least 2 to 3 years. Shallow-rooted perennials are low-maintenance plants with multiple roots growing near the soil surface. There are many shallow-rooted perennials.
Shallow-rooted perennials include the purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), yarrow (Achillea millefolium) and Egyptian onions (Allium proliferu L.). The purple loosestrife is indigenous to Europe with approximately 50 stems. Yarrow takes 2 years to mature and is native to Europe. Egyptian onions are fall season perennials that originated in the Northern Hemisphere.
- Perennials are plants that live at least 2 to 3 years.
- The purple loosestrife is indigenous to Europe with approximately 50 stems.
Growing Conditions
Perennials with shallow roots require 1 inch of water per week. When rainfall is sparse, using a soaker hose enables the plant to receive the proper amount of moisture. Shallow-rooted perennials need light mulching, as heavy mulching causes these types of plants to smother and die.
Shallow-rooted perennials planted over septic tanks or drain fields help disguise the placement of unsightly equipment. Gardeners use shallow-rooted perennials for groundcover. Some shallow-rooted perennials, such as onions, are edible and grown as agricultural crops.
Shallow-root Perennials
The nature of the root system makes shallow-rooted perennials a beneficial addition to locations in your garden where you can't risk damage from root penetration, such as when planting over a septic system. Options for sun to part shade include periwinkle (Vinca minor), which grows well in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9, a low-growing, shallow-rooted ground cover with blue flowers and dark green leaves. Shallow-rooted perennials require protection from frost. which all grow well in USDA zones 3 through 8, require careful attention in winter and planting in well-drained beds. Mulching benefits shallow-rooted perennials, providing protection to the roots that rest just below the surface. Don't mulch too heavily, however. Rhododendrons (Azalea spp. ),
- Perennials with shallow roots require 1 inch of water per week.
- The nature of the root system makes shallow-rooted perennials a beneficial addition to locations in your garden where you can't risk damage from root penetration, such as when planting over a septic system.
- Purdue University: Growing Perennial Flowers
- Ohio State University: Purple Loosestrife
- Texas A&M University: Yarrow
- Washington State University: Save Time and Money Properly Landscape Your Septic Tank
- Fine Gardening: Plants For Over a Septic System
- Sunset Magazine: How to Grow Strawberries
- Missouri Botanical Garden: Frost Heave
- Fine Gardening: Genus Scabiosa (Pincushion Flower, Scabious)
- Fine Gardening: Genus Bergenia (Elephant's Ears)
- Missouri Botanical Garden: Persea Americana
- Sunset Magazine: Southern California August Checklist
- Fine Gardening: Genus Azalea (Rhododendron)
- Monrovia: An Eco-Friendly Style