How to Make Pine-Sap Salve

Native Americans make a salve out of pine sap to sooth mild skin irritations. This remedy also removes splinters. Rub pine-sap salve on a wood or glass splinter, and within a few days the splinter will force its way out of your skin. The pine sap stimulates the blood flow around the splinter, pushing it out of the skin. Pine sap is sticky and hard to remove from clothing, so wear clothes and shoes you don’t mind getting sap on when gathering the ingredients for and making the salve.
Pry sap off a pine tree's bark with a screwdriver. Place the soft sap into a saucepan you don't mind ruining. Place hard sap pieces into an old cloth.
- Native Americans make a salve out of pine sap to sooth mild skin irritations.
- Pine sap is sticky and hard to remove from clothing, so wear clothes and shoes you don’t mind getting sap on when gathering the ingredients for and making the salve.
Fold the cloth containing the hard sap. Hit the cloth with a hammer until the sap pieces are broken into pea-sized pieces. Add the sap pieces to the saucepan.
Add 1 oz. beeswax and 3 oz. olive oil for every 2 oz. of pine sap. Place the beeswax and olive oil into the saucepan with the pine sap. Heat the saucepan on medium until all ingredients are well mixed.
- Fold the cloth containing the hard sap.
- Add the sap pieces to the saucepan.
Strain the salve through a piece of cheesecloth to remove debris. Pour salve into a glass jar and label the jar with a marker.
Pine Sap Off A Table
Hold an ice cube on the pine sap until it hardens. Apply a liberal amount of water-displacing spray to the pine sap. Wipe the table clean with a separate cloth.
Sap oozes from pine trees in the summer.
Rub olive oil on your hands and any tools you used to help remove the pine sap.
Avoid taking sap from damaged areas that are trying to heal, as it will prevent the tree from healing properly.
Some soreness around the splintered area may occur; discontinue use if irritation occurs.
Pine-sap salve is for external use only.
Writer Bio
Rachelle Proulx has been writing since 2000. She co-owns a pet-sitting company, providing her the experience to cover pet care and small business. Proulx is also a flooring specialist who writes about flooring options, preparation, application and maintenance.