Peace Lily Problems
Peace lilies are well-suited to offices, hospitals rooms and homes because they produce showy flowers and foliage with very little care. The few problems that come up are easily corrected.
Failure to Bloom
Plants that don't get enough light often fail to bloom. Peace lilies can't tolerate direct sunlight, but they need bright indirect light. Plants that need repotting may also fail to bloom. Repot peace lilies every spring to refresh the soil.
Yellowing Leaf Margins
Peace lilies are sensitive to magnesium and iron deficiencies. Use a complete house plant fertilizer that contains magnesium and iron according to the package instructions.
- Peace lilies are well-suited to offices, hospitals rooms and homes because they produce showy flowers and foliage with very little care.
Brown Leaf Tips
Overwatering and over-fertilizing cause brown leaf tips. Water only when the soil is almost dry. Use a fertilizer labeled for house plants according to the label instructions.
Mealybugs, mites, scale and thrips feed on peace lilies. Use an insecticide labeled for house plants as directed on the label. Some insecticides aren't safe to use indoors. Insecticidal soaps are effective against mealybugs and scale and insecticides containing neem oil are effective against mites and thrips. Several manufactures produce insecticides that contain both insecticidal soaps and neem oil.
- Overwatering and over-fertilizing cause brown leaf tips.
- Use an insecticide labeled for house plants as directed on the label.
Peace Lily
Pot peace lilies in a commercial potting mix blended for houseplants. A peace lily that wilts can often be revived by a thorough watering and a spritz of water on the leaves. Locate the peace lily 6 to 8 feet from a west- or south-facing window for best flowering. Do not place the lily where it can receive direct sunlight, which scorches the leaves. Fertilize with a 20-20-20 houseplant fertilize. Make monthly applications during spring and summer with a dilute solution of only one-quarter to one-half strength. Wash aphids or spider mites off the plant with running water.
- Pot peace lilies in a commercial potting mix blended for houseplants.
- A peace lily that wilts can often be revived by a thorough watering and a spritz of water on the leaves.
- Clemson Cooperative Extension: Peace Lily
- "The Complete Houseplant Survival Manual"; Barbara Pleasant; 2005
- "The Complete Guide to Houseplants"; Valerie Bradley; 2006
- Iowa State University Extension: Lily Needs Peace of Mind
- Clemson Cooperative Extension: Peace Lily