The Brand Names For Post-Emergent Selective Herbicides

A post-emergent selective herbicide is a chemical that kills vegetation just as any other herbicide. The only difference is that it is designed to kill only a specific type of vegetation after the plant has grown or emerged from the ground. The types of vegetation this type of herbicide will kill varies by design, and you can purchase some to kill anything from weeds to ground cover.

Ortho Weed B Gone Plus Crabgrass Control

Ortho Weed B Gone Plus Crabgrass Control comes in several different applications. It was developed as a selective herbicide to kill weeds that are growing in lawns. It is safe to use on most grasses, and with the company recommending that it not be used on centipede, St. Augustine or Bahia grass. It is designed to selectively kill broadleaf weeds such as dandelions, crabgrass, clover, and over 200 other weeds.

  • A post-emergent selective herbicide is a chemical that kills vegetation just as any other herbicide.
  • The types of vegetation this type of herbicide will kill varies by design, and you can purchase some to kill anything from weeds to ground cover.

Scots Turf Builder With Halts Crabgrass Control

Scots Turf Builder With Halts Crabgrass Control is a lawn fertilizer that has a selective pre- and post-emergent herbicide added in. The herbicide is mainly for killing crabgrass either before it develops or after it is already growing. The company does not recommend it be used on bent grass or dichondra. It works best when applied in the spring due to its fertilizer ingredients.


SedgeHammer is a post-emergent herbicide designed to be selective toward nut sedge. You can apply it in turf grasses and in natural areas without harming other vegetation or woody shrubs. It can be used in both warm and cool weather. Some might know this product as Manage, but the name was changed after a buyout of the rights to the product.

  • Scots Turf Builder With Halts Crabgrass Control is a lawn fertilizer that has a selective pre- and post-emergent herbicide added in.
  • It works best when applied in the spring due to its fertilizer ingredients.


Image Herbicide is a selective herbicide for use on broadleaf weeds, nut sedge, crabgrass, field sandspur, wild onion and other weeds. It can be used in warm season turf grass and is harmful to rye grass and fescue. It works best on Bermuda, centipede, St. Augustine and Zoysia grass.
