How To Care For Yellow Roses

Things Needed

  • Soaker hose
  • Mulch
  • Fertilizer
  • Pruning clippers

Caring for yellow roses requires a little effort for a big return. Whether they are used to brighten up the garden, border a pathway or provide a splash of color in a window box, yellow roses stand out. These roses range in color from pure yellow to beautifully blended shades of yellow to gold; some flowers even display multiple colors. The flowers are available in sizes from 1/2 to 2 inches across. Yellow roses can climb a garden trellis or grow in bushes up to 6 feet tall if left unpruned. They are very versatile and forgiving of poor growing conditions.

Step 1

Ensure that the roses receive light at least 6 hours of every day. Morning sun is necessary but partial shade during the hottest parts of the day is tolerable. Do not allow surrounding vegetation to provide too much shade.

  • Caring for yellow roses requires a little effort for a big return.
  • These roses range in color from pure yellow to beautifully blended shades of yellow to gold; some flowers even display multiple colors.

Step 2

Plant yellow roses in well-drained soil that will keep the root system moist without keeping it wet. Amend the soil as necessary with sphagnum peat moss or other organic matter.

Step 3

Water newly planted yellow roses regularly to help them develop strong root systems. Probe into the soil with your finger to a depth of 2 inches and add water if it is dry. Water until the soil is moist to a depth of 6 to 8 inches. Use a soaker hose to apply water slowly and keep the foliage dry. Be careful; too much water blocks the ability of the root system to process nutrients. Water established yellow roses deeply to a depth of 6 to 8 inches every 10 days to two weeks. Make certain that the air circulation around the roses is good and it receives light in the morning to dry the leaves.

  • Plant yellow roses in well-drained soil that will keep the root system moist without keeping it wet.
  • Probe into the soil with your finger to a depth of 2 inches and add water if it is dry.

Step 4

Apply a 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch composed of hay, wood chips or other organic matter around the plant. Leave a 2-inch area around the rose's stem to ensure that the mulch doesn't smother its roots.

Step 5

Feed newly planted yellow roses at the end of the first three months with a fertilizer specifically formulated for yellow roses, available at plant centers. Follow the directions on the package. Once established, apply a combination of organic and inorganic fertilizer according to package directions.

Step 6

Treat yellow roses regularly with an anti-fungal liquid spray, available from a plant center, that is specifically formulated for roses. This treatment does not cure black spot, but does help to prevent it by killing the next generation of fungal growth. Black spot is one of the most common and destructive diseases that affects roses; it causes the rose bush's leaves to turn yellow and drop, weakening the plant.

  • Apply a 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch composed of hay, wood chips or other organic matter around the plant.
  • Treat yellow roses regularly with an anti-fungal liquid spray, available from a plant center, that is specifically formulated for roses.

Step 7

Prune yellow roses lightly in the fall and more thoroughly in the spring. Remove dead, diseased or injured wood as well as basal shoots. Basal shoots are also referred to as "suckers." These are young shoots that grow haphazardly from the base of the bush or the root, depriving the bush of nutrients. Remove branches that growing crooked or rub on other branches. Prune the roses with pruning clippers to improve air circulation throughout the plant, expose the interior to sunlight and shape it.


Use sterile pruning tools washed with a solution of one part bleach to nine parts water when pruning. Keep the area around the bushes free of organic clutter, as it can incubate and spread disease.


Wet foliage encourages black spot and mildew diseases.
