How To Fertilize An Indian Hawthorn
Things Needed
- Fertilizer
- Water
- Garden hose
Indian hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis indica) a species of small, broad-leaf evergreen shrub. The tree flowers in the spring, so it should be fed with a complete fertilizer, such as a product with a nitrogen-phosphorous-potassium blend of 16-4-8, 12-6-6 or 12-4-8. Fertilize the shrub once a year—in spring, after the last hard frost has passed and the soil is workable. A second application in early summer may be required in order to compensate for poor soil nutrition.
Step 1
Water the soil regularly for two to three weeks before applying fertilizer to ensure the soil is moist and the roots are not drought-stressed. Water sufficiently to a depth of 8 to 10 inches if the Indian hawthorn is young and small. For a large and well-established shrub, water to a depth of 2 feet.
Step 2
Apply 1/2 cup of fertilizer for small, recently planted shrubs. Apply 1 cup of fertilizer for each large, well-established shrub. Adjust these amounts to comply with contrasting instructions on the product's label.
Step 3
Cast the fertilizer grains over the surface of the soil surrounding the shrub. Keep the fertilizer grains at least 6 inches away from the trunk to prevent over-fertilizing the soil and burning the roots. Extend the application of fertilizer to 1 1/2 times the diameter of the canopy. This will ensure the fertilizer reaches every part of the root mass, which is larger than the canopy.
Step 4
Water the fertilizer deeply into the soil to ensure distribution of the nutrients.
Apply no more than 1 to 2 lbs. of fertilizer per year for each 500-square-foot area of shrub plantings. Excess fertilizer will not help the shrubs and may interfere with blooming. Run-off may also pollute streams.