How To Care For A Haworthia

Haworthia is a succulent plant from South America that can be grown outdoors or indoors in a container. The plant has rosette-shaped leaves with rounded, blunt or pointed tips. There are over 80 species of haworthia, and the plants can grow up to 6 inches high, depending on the variety. Some haworthia plants have green leaves, while others have reddish-brown to brownish leaves and white, double-lipped flowers. Haworthia are low-maintenance, attractive accent plants.

Step 1

Plant the haworthia in a container with drainage holes. Mix equal parts potting soil and perlite or other suitable drainage material such as aquarium gravel. The plants should be repotted every two years to refresh the soil. The haworthia renews its roots each spring.

  • Haworthia is a succulent plant from South America that can be grown outdoors or indoors in a container.
  • There are over 80 species of haworthia, and the plants can grow up to 6 inches high, depending on the variety.

Step 2

Place the plant in a location with bright light but not direct sunlight. Filtered light is best for the haworthia.

Step 3

Water the plant when the soil is dry. Soak the soil and wait for it to dry completely before watering again.

Step 4

Keep the room temperature above 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The optimal temperature for haworthia is between 75 and 90 degrees, though it can withstand temperatures as low as 40 and as high as 105 degrees.

Grow A Succulent Haworthia Cymbiformis

Locate your plant where it will be exposed to partial shade and bright, indirect light. Partially shaded sites are those that get some shade for at least half the day. Amend the soil, if needed, with sand, pumice or decomposed granite to ensure that it is fast-draining, or purchase a potting soil specifically designed for succulents if you plan to grow your plant indoors. Water your plant just enough to keep its leaves rounded and fleshy. Mulch potted haworthia only for design purposes, using small polished stones or moss.

  • Place the plant in a location with bright light but not direct sunlight.
  • Water your plant just enough to keep its leaves rounded and fleshy.

Things Needed

  • Potting soil
  • Perlite
  • Container with drainage holes
  • Drainage tray


A haworthia does not need fertilizer to grow into a healthy succulent plant.
