How To Shrink Wrap An Above Ground Pool
The onset of harsh winter months necessitates winterizing above-ground pools. Once the water is winter ready and the tarp is in place, pool owners may think their pools are set to survive the frigid months ahead. Tarps are typically secured with a cable and clips leaving edges of the tarp free. Unfortunately, gusting winter winds catch the loose edges and whip them against the pool, causing damage to the tarp and the pool. Avoid costly pool repairs and expensive tarp replacements simply by shrink wrapping the tarp securely against the pool.
Step 1
Place the end of the shrink wrap against the pool so that half of the shrink wrap's width covers the tarp edge and the other half continues down the pool's side. Tape the end against the side of the pool. Wrap the shrink wrap around the pool a minimum of five times.
- The onset of harsh winter months necessitates winterizing above-ground pools.
- Unfortunately, gusting winter winds catch the loose edges and whip them against the pool, causing damage to the tarp and the pool.
Step 2
Using scissors cut the shrink wrap from the roll. Tuck the end of the wrap securely under a previous layer of shrink wrap.
Step 3
Plug the extension cord into an outlet and plug the hair dryer into the extension cord. Turn the hair dryer on the high setting. Direct the stream of hot air at the shrink wrap. Hold the blow dryer 3 to 4 inches from the surface of the shrink wrap. Slowly move the hair dryer up and down the shrink wrap, shrinking and molding it to the pool. Continue around the diameter of the pool until the wrap is shrank tightly against the pool.
- Using scissors cut the shrink wrap from the roll.
- Hold the blow dryer 3 to 4 inches from the surface of the shrink wrap.
Ground Is Unlevel With An Above Ground Pool?
Above-ground pools are a more affordable than in-ground pools, which require digging and serious construction. No matter which type you want, it's important to plan the installation carefully. All above-ground pools require flat space covered in either grass or sand to operate safely. If you install an above-ground pool on an uneven surface, the walls can collapse due to uneven pressure. A pool with an inflatable ring is more likely to fold under this increased pressure, but even a pool with solid side panels can fail. If you have to level the area, sand makes a good compactable base for both the pool and any paver stones you may wish to place around it. A level pool will be safer and lasts longer than one that has been improperly installed.
- Above-ground pools are a more affordable than in-ground pools, which require digging and serious construction.
Things Needed
- Shrink wrap, 12 inches wide
- Grey tape
- Scissors
- Extension cord
- Hair dryer