When Do I Plant Crossfire Fescue?

Crossfire is the brand name for a fescue lawn grass variety developed and marketed by the Pickseed company. It is a tall fescue grass that is generally darker green and has smaller leaves than older fescue types. It looks similar to Kentucky bluegrass, and is frequently used where Kentucky bluegrass cannot be grown.

Crossfire is the brand name for a fescue lawn grass variety developed and marketed by the Pickseed company. It is a tall fescue grass that is generally darker green and has smaller leaves than older fescue types. It looks similar to Kentucky bluegrass, and is frequently used where Kentucky bluegrass cannot be grown.

Time Frame

According to Richard Duble, a turfgrass specialist with the Texas Cooperative Extension, it's best to plant fescue grasses in the early fall when seeds have the best chance of growing under ideal conditions. Seeds may also be planted in the spring, particularly in areas with coverage problems; however, seeds may die from heat stress during the summer months.


Crossfire and other tall fescues are commonly used in areas where there the soil has suffered salt damage, identified by a white or yellowish-brown crust on the soil surface. As with other tall fescue varieties, Crossfire can be mixed with other grasses to provide good coverage and create a pest- and disease-resistant lawn. Crossfire is also fairly drought-tolerant, according to Pickseed.

  • Crossfire is the brand name for a fescue lawn grass variety developed and marketed by the Pickseed company.
  • As with other tall fescue varieties, Crossfire can be mixed with other grasses to provide good coverage and create a pest- and disease-resistant lawn.


Use Crossfire in high-traffic areas such playgrounds and the rough areas of golf courses, as well as transitional zones or areas of the country that are hotter in climate.

Plant Fescue Grass Seed

The major types of fescues suitable for lawns are tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea), creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra), chewing fescue (Festuca rubra var. It is less heat tolerant than tall fescue, but it is more shade tolerant. Chewing fescue is similar to creeping red fescue, except that it is even more shade tolerant. Plant fescues when fall temperature reach about 75 F. The next best time to plant fescue seeds is when rising temperatures in spring reach 60 F. Summer isn't a good time to plant fescue lawns, because fescue grass tends to go dormant during periods of high temperature. Although fescues can go without water for longer periods than many other grasses, planting a new lawn or overseeding requires regular watering until the grass is about 1 inch tall. Before overseeding, mow the lawn to a height of 1 to 2 inches. Remove excess thatch and loosen compacted soil in the existing lawn.

  • Use Crossfire in high-traffic areas such playgrounds and the rough areas of golf courses, as well as transitional zones or areas of the country that are hotter in climate.
  • Plant fescues when fall temperature reach about 75 F. The next best time to plant fescue seeds is when rising temperatures in spring reach 60 F. Summer isn't a good time to plant fescue lawns, because fescue grass tends to go dormant during periods of high temperature.
