Is Agave A Cactus?
The United States Department of Agriculture says that agave plants are members of the century plant family Agavaceae, while the perennial varieties known as cactus belong to the Cactaceae family.
The agave plant is not a cactus, though both cactus and agave are classified as succulents, or "plants that have highly specialized anatomical features such as thick waxy cuticles, fleshy or minimal leaves, modified leaves (spines), and roots with extra storage capabilities for food and water," according to the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Service.
The majority of the hundreds of species of agave plant are monocarpic, meaning that they flower one time during their life, then die. This includes species like the well-known century plant, Agave Americana, which may live as long as 30 years or more — but never a whole century — before flowering. Dependent on the species, the majority of cacti flower on a regular basis.
Another significant difference between an agave and the cactus are leaves — the agave possesses leaves and the cactus does not. Many agave leaves — again, dependent on the species — are edible, provided they are cooked. However, Native Americans in years past often used extracts from the uncooked agave leaf to poison the tips of their arrows.
- The United States Department of Agriculture says that agave plants are members of the century plant family Agavaceae, while the perennial varieties known as cactus belong to the Cactaceae family.
- The majority of the hundreds of species of agave plant are monocarpic, meaning that they flower one time during their life, then die.
Agave Cactus Planting
Agave plants grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. They need full sunlight for at least six hours per day. The best time to plant agaves in the landscape is in the spring, once soil temperatures have warmed to at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Wait until the top 1 to 2 inches of soil begins to dry before watering the plant again. Keeping the soil lightly moist, but never soggy, will prevent the plant's moisture-sensitive roots from rotting before they become established. Your established agaves need supplemental irrigation only during prolonged periods of little to no rainfall. Do not fertilize a newly planted agave; instead, wait until the plant is established.
- Agave plants grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11.
- The best time to plant agaves in the landscape is in the spring, once soil temperatures have warmed to at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
- University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Service
- USDA: Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Family Agavaceae
- USDA: Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Family Cactaceae
- Eduscapes: Plants Often Mistaken for Cactus
- University of California: Agave
- University of California IPM Online: Agave — Agave Spp.
- Gardening in the Desert: A Guide to Plant Selection & Care; Mary Irish
- Taylor's Master Guide to Gardening; Rita Buchanan, et al.