How to Order BOB Sod Grass in Phoenix

The variety of bermudagrass known as "Bob Sod" or "BOB sod" is a hearty strain that the University of Arizona says is ideal for the low desert valleys of Phoenix, Tucson, and Yuma. Bermudagrass holds up well in Arizona's unique climate, which includes hot, arid temperatures, salty water and constant sunlight. The University of Mississippi created BOB Sod in the 1980s under the scientific classification of MS-30. The grass was used as turf in the Bank One Ballpark (BOB) in Arizona, and has been known as BOB sod ever since. BOB sod grass can be ordered in Phoenix from several vendors.
Measure your yard and calculate the square footage of BOB sod needed. Add 10 to 20 percent to compensate for any irregular patches of yard or errors in calculation.
- The variety of bermudagrass known as "Bob Sod" or "BOB sod" is a hearty strain that the University of Arizona says is ideal for the low desert valleys of Phoenix, Tucson, and Yuma.
Contact sod and turf suppliers in the area, such as Southwest Sod and Brooks Turf, and ask if they carry BOB sod. Make sure you request BOB sod specifically, because it is a particular strain of bermudagrass. Western Sod in Tempe carries BOB sod and delivers to the Phoenix area.
Get quotes from several turf companies, then choose a supplier based on sod quality, price and any other factors you consider important. Call the supplier and arrange a delivery.
Plant Grass Sod
Although you can plant warm-season grass sod any time in the summer, you have the best chance of getting the sod established if you plant it in the late spring. This gives the sod time to develop a strong root system, which helps support it during hot weather or drought conditions. Cool-season grasses, such as fescue and Kentucky bluegrass, perform best when planted in early fall. The ground should be warm enough to allow the roots to grow easily but cool enough to keep the blades from burning. A mild temperature of between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal. Using a sprinkler on a timer could help, or you can ask a friend to water your lawn if you must travel immediately after laying sod. When you lay grass sod also depends on when you have time to properly prepare the soil. When you buy the sod, you should install it the same day, if possible, to keep the root systems healthy.
- Contact sod and turf suppliers in the area, such as Southwest Sod and Brooks Turf, and ask if they carry BOB sod.
- Using a sprinkler on a timer could help, or you can ask a friend to water your lawn if you must travel immediately after laying sod.
- University of Arizona Cooperative Extension: Bermuda Grass Varieties for AZ Lawns
- Western Sod: Bob Sod
- University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program: Establishing a Lawn From Sod
- Virginia Cooperative Extension: Establishing Lawns
- Modern Turf: How to Lay Sod and Soil Preparation
- This Old House: How to Lay Sod
Writer Bio
Brad Chacos started writing professionally in 2005, specializing in electronics and technology. His work has appeared in, Gizmodo, "PC Gamer," "Maximum PC,",, "Wired,", and more. Chacos is a frequent contributor to "PCWorld," "Laptop Magazine" and the Intuit Small Business Blog.