How To Collect Ice Plant Seeds

Things Needed

  • Paper bag
  • Fine mesh strainer
  • Bowl
  • Tray or baking sheet
  • Airtight glass or metal container

Ice plant (Delosperma bosseranum) is a hardy succulent that will bloom prolifically from late spring to the first frost. A drought-tolerant plant, ice plant loves hot, dry weather and works well in a rock garden or as a ground cover. The blooms, which resemble daisies, are a vivid shade of magenta. Collect seeds from healthy plants, as bacteria and disease can be carried in the seeds. The seeds reside in small pods at the base of the ice plant flower.

Step 1

Allow the flowers to remain on the ice plant at the end of the blooming season. Cut the flowers from the plant when the blooms wilt and turn dry. Place the wilted flowers in a large paper bag and fold down the top of the bag.

  • Ice plant (Delosperma bosseranum) is a hardy succulent that will bloom prolifically from late spring to the first frost.
  • The seeds reside in small pods at the base of the ice plant flower.

Step 2

Place the bag in a warm, dry place. Allow the bag to remain for at least two to three weeks, or until the flowers become completely dry and the seeds easily fall out of the seed pods. Shake the bag two or three times a week so the flowers will dry evenly.

Step 3

Hold a fine mesh strainer over a bowl, and pour the contents of the bag into the strainer. Jiggle the strainer to separate the tiny, brown ice plant seeds from the stems, petals and other plant debris.

Step 4

Spread the seeds on a tray or baking sheet, and put the tray in a safe, warm place away from any breeze. Allow the seeds to dry for an additional two to three days.

  • Place the bag in a warm, dry place.
  • Spread the seeds on a tray or baking sheet, and put the tray in a safe, warm place away from any breeze.

Step 5

Pour the ice plant seeds into an airtight glass or plastic container. Store the seeds in a dark, dry place until the following spring.


Don't worry about leaving the seeds to dry for too long, as it's better to leave the seeds a few additional days to be sure they're completely dry. Seeds that aren't completely dry will mold or mildew.
