The Best & Fastest Growing Grass Seed In Nevada

Nevada is a plateau, with general climatic features across the state including ample sunshine, low annual precipitation, dry air and extreme ranges in night and daytime temperatures. Cool-season grasses do well throughout the state, and warm-season grasses, in particular, thrive in Southern Nevada. If you are looking for fast-growing grasses that do well in the state, there are a few choices.

Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial ryegrass is a cool-season grass that starts quickly, grows fast and does very well in the Nevada climate. Preferring full sun and moderate to high water requirements, it nonetheless has a high drought tolerance. Perennial ryegrass has a medium tolerance to extremes in both cold and heat. A bright green grass, it offers a nice contrast to trees and shrubs. According to Purdue University website, perennial ryegrass has the best wear tolerance of any cool-season grass, making it a durable choice for play lawns. Popular varieties include Derby Extreme, All Star and Gator.

Bermuda grass

A warm-season grass, Bermuda grass in finely textured and establishes at a moderate to fast rate. With excellent drought tolerance, as well as a high heat tolerance, Bermuda grass is a popular choice for Southern Nevada. According to "Nevada Gardener's Guide," Bermuda grass requires 40 percent less water than cool-season grasses. Popular varieties include Laprima and Princess 77.

Turf-style Fescue

Tall turf-style fescue is a good general-purpose choice for a lawn in Nevada. Growing rapidly in the spring and the fall, it establishes quickly and creates a dense lawn, with the same rich color as the slower-growing Kentucky bluegrass. It has drought tolerance, does well in partial shade and has a low to moderate water use requirement. Tall fescue is able to tolerate extreme heat. A popular variety for Nevada is Combat Extreme.
