Trees That Shouldn't Be Planted By Swimming Pools
Done properly, landscaping is the perfect finishing touch for your new pool. Choose the wrong plants, however, and you'll be regretting your choices for years to come.
Done properly, landscaping is the perfect finishing touch for your new pool. Choose the wrong plants, however, and you'll be regretting your choices for years to come. Putting the wrong plants too close to your pool can cause plumbing problems and filtration issues and could even damage the pool itself or the concrete around it. Some plants could stain your pool deck and pool surface as well. Be sure to avoid problem plants when landscaping around your pool.
Deciduous Trees
Deciduous trees are those that lose their leaves in the fall. When the leaves on these trees inevitably drop, many of them will fall directly into or blow into your pool, forcing you to spend a lot of time cleaning it. For that reason, trees like oaks (Quercus spp.) and beech trees (Fagus spp.) should be avoided near pools. Many species of oak grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 9, but some prefer the cooler end of that spectrum. Beech trees are found in zones 3 through 8. As is true of oaks, however, beech tree hardiness varies somewhat by variety.
- Done properly, landscaping is the perfect finishing touch for your new pool.
- When the leaves on these trees inevitably drop, many of them will fall directly into or blow into your pool, forcing you to spend a lot of time cleaning it.
Say No to Litterbugs
Leaves aren't the only things that fall off trees and into pools. Evergreens that drop needles can be problematic, as can those that drop pine cones — stepping on them in your bare feet is not a good time. Avoid evergreens known to drop a lot of needles, like white pine (Pinus strobus), near your pool. White pine is found in USDA hardiness zones 3 through 7. Avoid plants that drop lots of flower petals, seed pods and fruit as well. Found in USDA hardiness zones 4 through 8, red mulberry trees (Morus rubra) produce messy, staining red fruits that are best kept away from pools.
Thorny Propositions
Ask a local nursery worker to help you choose plants free of thorns and other potentially dangerous plants to have near people dressed in swimwear. No one wants to back into the thorny trunk of a honeylocust tree (Gleditsia triacanthos) wearing nothing but a swimsuit. This could be a potential problem for those living in USDA hardiness zones 3 through 8 where these trees are found. The same is true of the silk floss tree (Chorisia speciosa) sometimes grown in Southern California. This tree enjoys USDA hardiness zones 9 through 11 but will not be enjoyed by guests to your pool.
- Leaves aren't the only things that fall off trees and into pools.
- Found in USDA hardiness zones 4 through 8, red mulberry trees (Morus rubra) produce messy, staining red fruits that are best kept away from pools.
Strong Roots
Found throughout USDA hardiness zones 2 through 9, weeping willows (Salix spp.) are often found growing by ponds and streams. This is because they like moist soils and will stretch their roots toward any nearby water source. When your pool is that water source, the searching roots are likely to damage the concrete, liner and plumbing system of your pool. To avoid pool damage, it is best not to plant willows and other water-seeking species near your pool, including aspens (Populus spp.), silver maples (Acer saccharinum) and American elm trees (Ulmus americana). These trees grow in USDA zones 1 through 7, 3 through 9, and zones 2 through 9, respectively.
- Found throughout USDA hardiness zones 2 through 9, weeping willows (Salix spp.)
- To avoid pool damage, it is best not to plant willows and other water-seeking species near your pool, including aspens (Populus spp.
- ),
- Swimming Pool Landscaping
- Ohio Public Library Information Network: What Tree Is It?
- GFS Chemicals Inc.: Quaking Aspen Tree
- Missouri Botanical Garden: Acer Saccharinum
- Arbor Day Foundation: Oak
- U.S. Department of Agriculture: Fagus Grandifolia American Beech
- U.S. Department of Agriculture: Pinus Strobus Eastern White Pine