How To Install An Electrical Outlet For A Swimming Pool
If you have an outdoor pool, you most likely will need a nearby electrical outlet to operate the pump and filter. Since the electrical outlet will be located outdoors and near a water source, it is imperative that you use a GFCI (ground-fault circuit interrupter) outlet. These outlets monitor the current flow to and from the outlet. If there is a little variance, they trip and stop all current flow. They are fairly straightforward to mount into a pre-wired electrical box and all you need are a few common tools.
Step 1
Turn the breaker that feeds the pool circuit to the "off" position in the circuit breaker panel.
Step 2
Strip the black wire back 1/2-inch and connect it to the "hot" LINE terminal on the GFCI outlet. Screw the terminal screw down tight to secure the wire in place.
- If you have an outdoor pool, you most likely will need a nearby electrical outlet to operate the pump and filter.
- Since the electrical outlet will be located outdoors and near a water source, it is imperative that you use a GFCI (ground-fault circuit interrupter) outlet.
Step 3
Strip the white wire back 1/2-inch and connect it to the "neutral" LINE terminal on the GFCI outlet. Screw the terminal screw down tight to secure the wire in place.
Step 4
Connect the bare copper wire to the green screw inside the electrical box. This is the ground wire.
Step 5
Fold the wires back into the electrical box while taking care not to kink them. Screw the GFCI electrical outlet to the electrical box.
Step 6
Mount the waterproof outdoor electrical box cover to the outlet. Make sure the gasket is in place to form the watertight seal.
- Strip the white wire back 1/2-inch and connect it to the "neutral" LINE terminal on the GFCI outlet.
- Connect the bare copper wire to the green screw inside the electrical box.
Step 7
Turn the power on to the electrical circuit and plug in your pool equipment. It should begin to work.
Electrical Outlet Smoke Causes
If you encounter a smoking outlet, do not attempt to fix it yourself. For explanation of causes, read on. The most immediate cause of an electrical outlet smoking is a short circuit generating heat. This means something within the outlet is connecting negative and positive parts of the socket. As stated, this is only possible if there is a problem with the circuit breaker or fuse, as they would normally engage in either circumstance to shut off the flow of power leading to the outlet. If the ground wire is not properly placed, the outlet might begin to smoke.
- Turn the power on to the electrical circuit and plug in your pool equipment.
- If you encounter a smoking outlet, do not attempt to fix it yourself.
Things Needed
- Wire stripper
- Screwdriver
Perform the work on a sunny, dry day to prevent the risk of electrical shock. Dew and other moisture may increase the risk for electrical shock.