Tall Flower Names

Flowers that grow to be more than three feet high provide a welcome sense of drama to a garden, providing a backdrop to small, more diminutive blooms. Tall flowers are commonly used to form borders, or as stand alone container specimens on a patio or porch. There are many lovely flowers that will reach impressive heights in the home garden.

Flame Azalea

The flame azalea (Rhododendron calendulaceum) is a flowering shrub notable for its dense, mid-green leaves and its clusters of funnel shaped flowers, which seem to glow in the sunlight as if ablaze. The bright orange flowers of the flame azalea are attention getting additions to a garden, making the plant ideal as a stand alone specimen in the middle of a lawn. The plant may reach heights between six and ten feet, though usually it grows to be about eight feet tall. A native of Eastern North America, the flame azalea is best cultivated in USDA zones 5, 6 and 7. The shrub requires dappled shade (or full sun in cooler climates), and an acidic, rich and well draining soil. Water the flame azalea on a regular basis during the growing season.

  • Flowers that grow to be more than three feet high provide a welcome sense of drama to a garden, providing a backdrop to small, more diminutive blooms.
  • The bright orange flowers of the flame azalea are attention getting additions to a garden, making the plant ideal as a stand alone specimen in the middle of a lawn.

Joe Pye Weed

A member of the aster/daisy family, Joe pye weed (Eupatorium fistulosum) is a tall flowering perennial that reaches heights of between three to ten feet. Also called queen-of-the-meadow, the plant sports elegant, lance shaped leaves and tiny clusters of pink or mauve flowers, which appear in summer and autumn. A favorite of butterflies, beetles and bees, joe pye weed is an imposing and unusual addition to a butterfly or woodland garden. A native of the Eastern United States, the plant does best in full sunlight in USDA zones 3 to 9. Though fairly drought tolerant, joe pye weed will by far look its best in a well drained soil that's watered frequently throughout the growing season.


A member of the mallow family, to which the hibiscus flower also belongs, the hollyhock (Alcea rosea) is an upright short lived perennial notable for broad, olive green foliage and for its silky, cup shaped flowers. The blooms of the hollyhock may be white, pink, or even bi-colored depending on the cultviar. The plant can be quite imposing, often growing between five or six feet tall and sometimes even reaching heights of seven or eight feet. Hollyhocks look their best when grown in USDA zones 3 to 9, ideally in all day, full sun. Hollyhocks require a well draining soil, and a little supplemental water during the summer. Especially tall plants may need to be staked to keep them from falling over.

  • A member of the aster/daisy family, Joe pye weed (Eupatorium fistulosum) is a tall flowering perennial that reaches heights of between three to ten feet.
  • The blooms of the hollyhock may be white, pink, or even bi-colored depending on the cultviar.
